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•Adrenaline•Word count 1448

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Word count 1448


Cassandra woke up to the feeling of strong hands ripping her out of her bed. She screamed as she felt her body being dragged out of her room by a strong man. He placed one of his hands over her mouth causing her screams to be muffled. He tripped over the beer bottles covering the floor as he dragged her to the door. Tears blurred Cassandras vision as she frantically flung her body trying to get his grip off of her. She noticed her foster dad sitting on the couch watching the entire thing go down. He stared at her and then at the man with the same blank expression. Cassandra knew he wasn't going to do anything to help her. She closed her eyes as she focused on using her powers. She felt the man place a silver cuff on her wrist. She tried to do small magic with that hand but it seemed to block the magic causing her to scream. He started putting the cuff on her other hand but before he could she screamed her lungs out as the man was flung into the wall by what seemed like an unknown force. Cassandra tried to catch her breath as she opened her eyes. Her gaze landed on the man she had just slammed into the wall. Blood stained the wall as the man slid down it. He wasn't dead but he was very injured. She ripped the cuff of her wrist as she threw it against the floor.

She sprinted out of her house and noticed a group of men staring at her. They were all dressed in black suits like the men from the night before. There were three big white vans sitting in her driveway. "There she is! Lindsey!" One of the men screamed. All the men started at her. She quickly started sprinting in the opposite direction as she heard the sound of footsteps chasing after her. She felt the rush of adrenaline as she picked up her pace. She needed to get to the sheriffs station. She tried to focus on remembering which direction it was in. Her body led her in the right direction as if it was on auto pilot. She felt someone's body tackle her to the ground causing her to scream. She felt a jolt of energy in her body causing the man to go flying into the air. She felt like her body was weakened as blood drizzled down her nose and ears. She turned around for a split second seeing three men chasing after her. She noticed one of the white vans also chasing her causing her to quickly start sprinting away again. Her bare feet slammed against the grass as she ran through each houses yard. She felt like she couldn't breath but she continued to run. Her feet seemed to land on every sharp object on the ground causing her to wince in pain. Her mind was racing. Why did they want to kill her? Why did they call her .....moms name? Maybe they were looking for the book but little did they know it was at the Stilisnki boys house. The sheriffs station wasn't far and she sprinted through the doors. She turned around and noticed the van and the men were no longer following her. Mr. Stilinski noticed her stumbling to his office.

"Woah.... Cassie what happened?" He asks her softly. Stiles immediately sat up to the sound of Cassandras voice being mentioned. He had been asleep on the sheriffs couch after researching Cassandras mom for over the past few hours. He quickly stood up and took in the girl's appearance. Her face was covered in blood and her body was covered in bruises. She had no shoes on and she was obviously in her pajamas. "What happened?" Stiles asked her sharply. She started to fall over but Stiles quickly caught her. He sat her down on the couch as him and his dad gave each other concerned looks. Stiles looked down at her bloody bare feet and could only imagine what had happened.

"Can you tell us what happened? Take your time." Mr. Stilinksi asked her softly. She tried to take a deep breath only to realize how tired she really was. Her body ached in pain as the rush of adrenaline faded away. "I woke up to a man dragging me out of my bed." Cassandra whispered softly as she stared at the ground. Stiles wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace. Mr. Stilisnki quickly closed the door to his office as he looked at the girl with concern. "These guys in these white vans showed up at my house and..." Cassandra stuttered. "Wait white vans? Like raper vans?" Stiles asked her frantically. "No... just white regular vans." Cassandra mumbles as the previous events flash through her mind. Stiles gently rubs her back as he tries to reassure her. "What did they try to do to you?" Stiles asked her as anger was evident in his voice.

"They tried to grab me...." Cassandra says softly. "I'm pretty sure those were rapist trying to put you in their rape vans." Stiles replies frantically. Mr. Stilinski ignores Stiles as he looks at Cassandra. "Did you recognize any of the men?" He asked her softly. "They were probably random people dad.... most rapist are!" Stiles yells angrily. "Stiles will you shut up for one second and listen to me!" Cassandra screamed at him raising her voice at him for the first time that night.

"Yes sorry... Carry on." Stiles tells her softly. "They called me Lindsey and they put this bracelet on my right arm and I couldn't do....... does your dad know about me?" Cassandra whispered to Stiles. Stiles nodded as his dad also nodded. "I couldn't do magic with my right hand... but I used my left... I think they did something to my mom." Cassandra tells them both frantically. "So they weren't trying to rape you?" Stiles asks her playfully. She nudges his arm causing him to groan. "They were trying to kill me or kidnap me." Cassandra mumbles softly.

Stiles grabs a tissue as he tries to clean up her face. He continues to rub her back hoping it will make her feel better. He pulled her closer to him. Mr. Stilinski watched as Cassandra buried her face in Stiles chest. "Can you tell me what the men looked like?" The sheriff asked her softly. "The same men as before." She mumbled to Stiles. Mr. Stilisnki gave his son a confused look. "They were dressed in all black and had guns on them.... I didn't get a good look at the one who tried to grab me but he might be passed out in my house right now." Cassandra mumbles as her voice was muffled due to it being in Stiles chest. "I'll get some cops to go to your house right now and I'll try and figure out who they are..... I'll send in someone else so you can tell them exactly what the men looked like and they can draw a picture." Mr. Stilinski explains to her.

"What about your foster dad.... where is he?" Stiles asks her softly. "He just sat there and watched as they took me." She mumbled softly. "Maybe he was in shock." Mr. Stilinksi says in a hopeful tone but he knew that wasn't the case. "No.... he wanted them to take me." Cassandra says softly as she lifts her head up. Her eyes were red from her crying and Stiles quickly pulled her head back into his chest. "You can stay with us until we know your house is safe." Mr. Stilinski tells Cassandra as he gives Stiles a sad look. They both listened to Cassandra cry causing Stiles heart to feel like it was breaking. He hated seeing her like this. He wasn't there to protect her. Mr. Stilinski quickly left the room to leave Stiles and Cassandra alone.

"I'm so sorry." Stiles whispers as he gently rubs Cassandras head. "It's not your fault." Cassandra replies softly as she lifts her head up to look at the boy. She noticed that he looked on edge and nervous. "I am fine now... okay." Cassandra tried to reassure him. "I wasn't there help you." Stiles mumbles softly. "You had no idea those men were going to show up at my house! It's not your fault so stop feeling guilty." Cassandra tells Stiles sharply. He nods his head as he pulls her back into his embrace.

Awww bby stiles always there to save every one else 🥺

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