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•Death Follows •Word count 1590

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•Death Follows •
Word count 1590

The second Cassandra sat down in her first period class Stiles sat down directly next to her. "A reservoir isn't just a body of water it can also be a source of supplies or an area where supplies is held." Stiles rants to her the second he sits down. She widened her eyes at the boy. "Good morning to you to." She mumbles playfully causing him to roll his eyes at her. "I'm being serious.... so the key wasn't in the lake.... that doesn't mean it's not somewhere in town." Stiles explains to her. Cassandra heard books slam down in the desk next to her. "Scott filled me in on everything and I want to help." Issac says softly.

Stiles glared at him as he watched Cassandra smile at Issac. "We are just trying to figure out where a big supply of something would be in town." Cassandra explains to Issac. "Supply of what?" Issac asks her curiously. "We actually have no idea." Stiles mumbles under his breath. Cassandras eyes land on Jackson walking inside the classroom. He immediately walked over to Cassandras desk and towered over her. Stiles felt his grip on his desk tighten as he looked at Jackson and Cassandra.

"Are you just going to stare at me or say something?" Cassandra asked him sharply. He bent down so his mouth was near her ear. "Can I talk to you after class?" He whispered softly. "Why would I ever talk to you?" She asked him sharply. "I have something to say that's worth your time." He replies playfully as he walked away from her. He sat down on the opposite side of the room. Cassandra sighed as she turned her attention back to Stiles. The teacher droned on and on but Stiles wasn't paying attention at all. He was too busy staring at Cassandra. His mind was also focused on figuring out where the key might be. "Hey Cassie.... did your house have a attic or anything where you kept a lot of stuff?" Stiles asked her as he leaned across the isle in order for her to hear him.

"Uh my mom had a storage unit where she kept all of my grandpas stuff after he passed." Cassandra whispered back. "Mr. Stilinski and Mrs. Viotto! Would you guys like to share what you are whispering about?" The teacher yelled at them. Stiles noticed Cassandra nervously twirling her hair as she shook her head lightly. "Sorry." Stiles mumbles frantically. "Talk again and it's detention for both of you!" The teacher yelled at them. Stiles playfully widened his eyes as he made a funny face at Cassandra causing her to laugh at him. Stiles hoped that the key would be in the storage unit. If it wasn't there he didn't know where else it could be.

After class Jackson immediately started talking to Cassandra at her locker. "I want to know what you are?" He asked her sharply. She playfully laughed as she glanced over at him. "Last time I checked I am a girl." She replied playfully. Before she had time to react he slammed her locker door closed and pushed her up against the lockers. Stiles was busy talking to Scott and the noises of people switching classes drowned out the sound of the locker slamming. "You think you are so funny...... I know you are some supernatural creature and I want you to tell me exactly what you are so I can be like you." Jackson says through gritted teeth. His face was inches away from Cassandra as she winced in pain. He had a tight grip on her body as he held her against the lockers.

"I don't even know what I am and you definitely don't want it." She whispers sharply. Jackson laughs as he shakes his head. "I want it and I also want you." He says as he puts more pressure on her waist. His eyes flicker to her lips as he realized how close he was to her. The hallway was now clear due to the next class almost starting. Stiles started heading to his next class when he noticed Jackson pushing Cassandras body against her locker. Jacksons hands started exploring her body as he leaned in to kiss her. Stiles started sprinting down the hall as Cassandra screamed. The lights started flickering as her eyes closed. Jackson looked around in fear as the ceiling started to cave in. He let go of Cassandra as bits of the ceiling started falling around him.

"Hey! Cassie! Calm down!" Stiles screamed at her as he arrived next to her. He knew that the ceiling could easily fall on him but he needed to help her. He didn't care if he got hurt if it meant helping her. She didn't respond as her eyes remained shut. Stiles grabbed her arms and started shaking her body frantically. "Cassandra!" He screamed desperately. She seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in as blood trickled down her nose and ears. She looked over at Stiles in a confused manner. Her eyes landed on Jackson who looked so angry and confused. She looked up at the ceiling that looked like it could fall at any second.

"Stiles." She croaked as she collapsed in his arms. He quickly caught the girl and held her body close to his. He picked her up and carried her into the boys locker room. He grabbed paper towels and started wiping the blood away. He hated seeing her like this. He hated that Jackson brought out the worst in her. He wondered what would happen if he wasn't there to stop her. If she lost control. How powerful was she and what could she do? "Hey stiles. Woah why do you have Cassandra in here and why is she unconscious?" Danny asked Stiles as he walked into the locker room. "She ummm fainted...... yep....because she was stunned by Jackson's ugliness." Stiles tells the other boy sarcastically. Danny gives Stiles a concerned look as he walks over to him. "The vein on her arm kinda looks like the shape of a key." Danny mumbles as he points to her arm. Stiles looks down at her arm and stares at the dark mark on her wrist. It looked exactly like a key.

She started coughing as blood poured out of her mouth. "Stiles." She whispered as she clung onto his body. "We need to find the key...... I felt her......." Cassandra stuttered as she stared into his eyes. "Felt who?" He asked her frantically. "My mom." She whispered nervously. Stiles eyes widened as he stared down at her. Danny gave them both a confused look as he stood up. "Do you need any help?" Danny asked Stiles softly. "I think I go it covered." Stiles replies playfully as he gives Danny a smile. " I'm going to just get to class." Danny mumbles as he walks out of the locker room. Cassandra weakly laughs as she watches him leave. "I think the key could be in the storage unit that your mom had for your grandpa." Stiles tells Cassandra softly.

"We need to go now.... we are running out of time." Cassandra tells him sharply. "We have school and you are in no shape to go anywhere." Stiles tells her softly. She tries to sit up but feels extremely weak causing her to cling onto Stiles chest. Stiles feels his heart beating quickly as he stares down at her. "Fine we have to go after stupid school." She mumbles in defeat. Stiles laughs as he helps her stand up. The bell rings but Stiles slowly helps her walk to class. "I don't have this next class with you.... are you sure you are going to be okay?" He asked her softly. "I will be fine... don't worry about me." She reassures him. She still felt weak but she didn't want Stiles to know. Stiles could tell she wasn't okay but she refused to let him help her. She grabbed her backpack and limped into her next classroom. Her eyes landed on Jackson causing her to internally groan. She sat next to Lydia as Lydia gave her a concerned look.

"You look terrible." Lydia told her the second she sat down. "Thanks." Cassandra replied sarcastically as she glared at her. Lydia put a hand over her ear as she winced in pain. "What's wrong?" Cassandra asked her as worry filled her voice. "Nothing...." Lydia mumbles as she winces in pain. "Come on Lydia.... you can tell me." Cassandra tells her softly. Lydia meets Cassandras eyes as she takes a deep breath. "I just keep hearing a noise like as if someone was unlocking a door. I'm probably just going crazy." Lydia mumbled softly. Cassandra looked down at the key shape in her wrist causing her eyes to widen. "How do you know about the key?" She asked Lydia frantically.

"All I know is that if I'm hearing about this key it will most likely lead to death." Lydia warned Cassandra. Lydia had led Stiles and Cassandra to dead body's in the past. Cassandra sighed as she looked away from her friend. What if Lydia was right? What if someone was going to die because of what Cassandra was trying to do? Cassandra needed to help her mom no matter the consequences. Even if it led to death. But what if it led to Stiles death. That was something Cassandra couldn't live with.

This part was kinda a filler chapter 🤪

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