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•The Hospital•Word count 1478

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•The Hospital•
Word count 1478

Cassandra woke up to the sound of Stiles arguing with someone. She slowly opened her eyes as pain entered her entire body. When she first opened her eyes everything around her was blurry but then it started to become clearer. She realized she was in a hospital bed. She felt like shit and her mind immediately replayed the events of the prior night. She remembered blacking out and then waking up to the aftermath of her destruction. It hurt her mind to try and remember how she hurt all those people. She tried to move her arm but realized she was cuffed to the hospital bed. She groaned in pain as she weakly tug on the cuffs. Stiles immediately stopped arguing with his dad as his eyes landed on Cassandra. "Hey baby how you feeling?" He asked her softly as he immediately walked over to her bed. "How long was I out?" She asked him softly. Her voice was raspy due to her being tired and weak. Her hair was messy but Stiles thought she looked beautiful. He hated seeing her in pain. "A couple days." Stiles tells her softly as he rests his hand on hers.

Cassandra knew for a fact that Stiles hadn't left that hospital once. He was wearing the same clothes from the lacrosse game and he had huge bags under his eyes. "You need sleep." She told him sharply. "You almost died and you are worried about me getting sleep?" He asked her playfully. "Is the cut on your chest okay?" She asked him softly as she gestures to his body. He pulled up his shirt revealing his abs and his cut. He had a bandage over the wound. "Mrs. McCall got me all fixed up and she practically saved your life." Stiles tells Cassandra softly. "Why am I strapped to the bed?" Cassandra asked Stiles as a laugh left her lips. "Stupid precautions Mr. Argent told my dad to do just in case you woke up and went into all witchy mode." Stiles explains dramatically as he starts unlocking her arms.

"Don't.... first I want you to explain everything to me about what happened the other night and then I can decide if I think it's a good idea for me to be strapped down and powerless." Cassandra says sharply. Stiles explained the entire night in full detail to Cassandra. She loved the way he explained things but the second he started talking about her hurting those men she felt guilt in her heart. She could sense the fear in Stiles voice. She knew he was scared of her and he had every right to be. "Your eyes turned black and you weren't responding to me.... then I...." Stiles begin to say but stopped himself. "You kissed me." Cassandra mumbles as she remembered waking up to Stiles lips on hers.

"It was the only way I could wake you up..... I think there's a reason why they took your mom." Stiles rambles nervously. He didn't want to tell Cassandra. "What?" Cassandra asked him softly as she squeezed his hand. His eyes met hers and he felt like his heart was on fire. He couldn't lie to her not when he knew he loved her. "They were afraid of what she could do.... I don't know how you would ever be able to control it.... it's an insane amount of power that can't be controlled." Stiles explains to her softly. Cassandra feels herself take in a deep breath as she holds back tears. "These should stay on." Cassandra mumbles as she gestures to the wrist restraints on her bed.

"No..... Cassie..... look at me." Stiles whispers but Cassandra refused to meet his eyes. He gently grabbed her cheek directing her face towards him forcing her eyes to lock with his. He saw the pain in her eyes causing his heart to hurt. "You lost control because those men were trying to kill you.... you won't lose control like that again..... I'm not scared of you....we are going to figure this out together and we are going to find your mom....." Stiles tells her softly. She nods her head as tears fall down her cheeks. Stiles pulls her into his arms as he unlocks her arm restraints. She wraps her arms around him as he holds her closer to him. They both heard the door open causing them to quickly pull away from each other. "She's awake!" Melissa yelled as she walked into the room.

"How you feeling?" Scott asked her softly as he walked inside the room. "I'm good." She mumbled softly. The sound of high heels entering the room caused everyone's eyes to land on Lydia holding a balloon and gift bag. "Yes you are finally awake!" Lydia squealed as she ran over to the bed and embraced her best friend in a hug. Stiles and Scott both left the room to leave the two girls to talk. "Are you going to give her all the stuff you bought her at the gift shop?" Scott asks the other boy playfully as he motions to the stack of teddy bears and other various gifts. Stiles was so nervous about her recovery he practically bought the entire gift shop.

"Yeah..... I just didn't wanna overwhelm her when she first woke up.... wanna help me carry it all inside her room?" Stiles asked the other boy playfully. Lydia was droning on and on about what Cassandra missed at school and Jackson when Cassandras eyes landed on Stiles walking back into the room. She couldn't really see his face due to the mountain of teddy bears and candy in his arms. "Did you get all of that for me?" She asked him in disbelief as he set it down next to her bed. "Yeah.... why wouldn't I?" Stiles replies softly. Cassandras eyes met his causing her heart to flutter. Cassandra realized Stiles really was the best guy ever and he cared about her so much. Scott came into the room causing Cassandra and Stiles to break eye contact. His arms were also full of Teddy bears and flowers. "These are also from Stiles." Scott mumbles as he sets it on the ground. Cassandra laughed as she shook her head softly.

"Thank you Stiles.... you are the best." Cassandra says softly. "What was that last part?" Stiles asks her sarcastically. "I said you are the best." She replies playfully. "Say it louder for the people in the back!" Stiles yells playfully causing her to roll her eyes. Stiles sat down on the bed next to her as she playfully pushed his arm that wasn't injured. "You could have been killed." She tells him sharply. "But I wasn't because you saved my life." He replies playfully. Lydia watched the two interact causing a smile to form on her face. She loved the way they laughed when they were with each other and the way they looked into each other's eyes. "We are not naming that teddy bear Bob!" Cassandra screamed at Stiles as he laughed at her.

"Give me one good reason why not?" He asked her playfully. "Because it's an ugly name." She replied back sharply. Stiles mouth fell open as he pretended to be hurt. "Don't talk about our child like that." Stiles replies sarcastically as he holds the bear up to his chest. "It's too cute to be named Bob." Cassandra replies sharply. "We have about thirty of them to name so let me just name this one Bob.... okay babe." Stiles replies playfully. "Did you just call her babe?" Lydia says as she joins in on their conversation. Stiles stuttered over his words as he looked back and forth between the two girls. "No.... I was talking to my son Bob." He replies sarcastically as he hugs the bear close to his chest. Cassandra sighs as she hugs one of the teddy bears. "There's only one teddy bear I wanna hold." Stiles says playfully. Cassandra was about to say something when she felt the boy wrap his arms around her. She laid her back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm starving." Scott mumbled from the chair next to the bed. "Well shit now you made me hungry." Cassandra says playfully causing them all to laugh.  "If you weren't like almost dying because of your magic I would ask you to magic us some food." Lydia says playfully. "I bet magic food would taste so good." Scott says playfully. "Yeah except Cassie is complete ass at magic." Stiles says sharply causing Cassandra to elbow him in the chest. He gently ran his fingers back in forth on her stomach soothing the pain in her stomach. She felt relaxed in his arms as she sat between his legs.

Awww I love their friend group 🥺

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