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•Eichen House•Word count 1251

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•Eichen House•
Word count 1251

After Melissa Scott successfully saved her son the gang headed towards Eichen House. It was getting dark out setting the mood for a very scary night. Cassandra insisted on picking up Lydia and Allison who they soon filled in on everything they missed. They all squeezed into Stiles Jeep. Stiles sat in the drivers seat with Cassandra on his lap even though Issac wanted her to sit on his lap. Issac sat in the passenger seat and Scott sat between the two girls in the back. Scott and Allison were no longer dating causing the entire car to be filled with awkward tension. "So what's the plan?" Lydia asks breaking the silence. Everyone turns their attention to Stiles. "Why are you all looking at me?" Stiles asks them sharply. "You kinda always come up with the plans." Scott tells him softly.

"Well the plan is that three of us..... me..... Cassie and Lydia will go in first. We go up to the desk simply ask if Cassies mom is there...... I'm assuming they won't let us see her...... then we will come back out and figure it out from there." Stiles explains to everyone. "You just want us to sit in the car and wait?" Issac asks him in disbelief. "Don't be such a sour wolf..... if my assumptions are correct finding her mom will be tricky which will be where you guys come in." Stiles tells him playfully.  They arrive at the insane asylum causing chills to run down Cassandras spine. Stiles tightened his grip around her waist to reassure her that he was there for her. Stiles, Lydia and Cassandra piled out of the car. "You are leaving me here with them?" Allison asked Cassandra in disbelief.

Cassandra realized they were leaving one love triangle in the car and bringing another one inside. "Bye!" Casssandra yells as she shuts the car door. Allison huffs in frustration as she moves as far away from Scott as possible. "Let's be quick..... the people here are...." Stiles begins to say but Lydia cuts him off. "Insane." She says sharply. Stiles nods as he gives her a smile. They walk inside up to the front desk. "Hey.... we are here to see a women named Lindsey Viotto." Stiles tells the lady at the front desk. His voice didn't quiver or crack. He sounded very mature causing Lydia to wink at Cassandra.

"There's no one of that name here." The lady tells them in a sharp tone. "Are you sure? She looks like this." Cassandra tells the lady as she hands her a picture. The lady looks at the picture for a split second and her eyes widen in horror. "I have no clue who that is. Now leave.... before I call security!" The lady yells at them. "Wait! You do know her!" Cassandra yelled at the lady. Stiles grabs Cassandras arm as he quickly drags her towards the door away from the desk. Cassandra noticed that Lydia wasn't following them. She was staring at the staircase as she let out an ear piecing scream. Cassandra covered her ears as she buried her head in Stiles chest. A huge thud sounded as a dead body landed at the bottom of the stairs. Cassandras eyes widened in shock. Cassandra ran over to Lydia and started dragging her towards the door. Stiles quickly grabbed Lydias other arm tightly and they all left the place. Stiles felt uneasy as the previous moment rang through his mind. He had seen dead body's before but it never made it any easier. Stiles focused his mind at the task at hand.

"Did you see that lady's face when you showed her the picture? She knew who your mom was. She lied." Stiles tells Cassandra sharply. They arrived back at the car and told the other three about what happened. "How do we get inside if they don't want us to find her? She could be anywhere." Issac asks Stiles. "I don't know..... if we knew where she was we could just figure out how to get to the exact spot." Stiles says softly. "We could send someone in.... as a patient just for the day and have them take a look around.... figure out what doors or locked or if certain places are sketchy." Allison tells the whole group.

"Those people in there are crazy.... they will eat any sane person alive." Stiles says sharply. "I would go in but the people who are looking for me definitely have my mom locked in there somewhere.... they know what I look like. I would be walking into a trap." Cassandra says softly. "I'll go." Allison announces. "I'll also go if she's going." Issac says softly. "I can go." Scott also chimes in. "Me and Scott can go. We need at least one werewolf out here." Stiles tells the whole group. Everybody nods in agreement. All of the girls plus Issac nervously waited at Allison's house. "What if they get murdered by a psychopath?" Cassandra mumbles nervously as she paces back and forth. She had never been so worried in her life. "Scott's a werewolf." Issac says hoping it will reassure her. "She's obviously worried about Stiles because she's in love with him." Lydia says dramatically.

"I'm not in love with him I'm worried about him because he's human." Cassandra lies as she sits down. Her leg wouldn't stop shaking as she couldn't stop thinking of Stiles. "I could make out with you to take your mind off of it." Issac says softly as he keeps his head down. All the girls look up at him and give him concerned looks. "I'd rather kiss Lydia." Cassandra replies sharply. "I'd like to see that." Issac replies playfully. Cassandra ignores Issac as she stares at the ground. She wondered if Stiles was just as nervous as she was.

"Do you ever imagine doing things with Cassandra?" Scott asked his best friend playfully. They were currently locked in their bedroom at the insane asylum. "What types of things?" Stiles asks him playfully. "You know what I mean!" Scott yelled at him as he threw his pillow at him. "Yes..... yes I do....." Stiles replies truthfully. "I use to." Scott confesses. Stiles glares at his best friend. "Before I knew you liked her.... when you were into Lydia." Scott explains to Stiles. "I can't blame you... every guy in town seems to want to get into her pants but I don't want just that... I don't need that.... I just wanna hold her in my arms........ be able to call her mine..... kiss her whenever I want." Stiles says softly. "Have you ever kissed her?" Scott asks him softly.

"Not on the lips." Stiles replies softly. "You need to kiss her." Scott tells him sharply. "She probably wouldn't like that." Stiles replies playfully. "Have you seen the way she looks at you?" Scott asks his friend in disbelief. "Can we just focus on what we need to do Tomorrow? We need to figure out any possible places in here where her mom could be." Stiles tells Scott sharply. "I will scream if a crazy person try's to touch me." Scott says playfully causing Stiles to laugh. Scott laid down on his pillow that Cassandra made sure he brought. Cassandra insisted on him having his pillow since she knew he couldn't sleep without it. Stiles couldn't get her off his mind as he closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.

Awww Stiles just wants to kiss her 🥺
*If I don't update this for a couple days it's because I am getting surgery but once I feel better I will definitely write this- I love you all sm 🥰

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