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•Burning The Evidence •Word count 1643

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•Burning The Evidence •
Word count 1643

Present Day

Cassandra showed up at the Stilinski boys  bedroom door caked in blood. Stiles opened the door with a tired smile but soon took in her appearance causing panic to enter his mind. "Holy hell what happened?" Stiles asked her frantically. "I...... I..... I killed him.." She stuttered as she stumbled into his room. "Who? You killed who?" He asked her nervously as he grabbed her shoulders to keep her from falling. "My....I lost control..... I blacked out and he was just dead on the floor." Cassandra stuttered. "Who?" Stiles yelled at her. "It was......." She sobbed as she hid her face in Stiles chest. Stiles felt his heart beating quickly as he wrapped his arms around the girl. She killed someone.... and now he was covered in the evidence.

Cassandra didn't speak as Stiles asked her questions that her ears blocked out. Stiles could tell she wasn't able to focus at the moment. He was internally freaking out because he knew there was a dead body at Cassandras house that he soon would have to bury. First he needed to clean the evidence off of Cassandra. He frantically pushed Cassandra into his bathroom and quickly closed the door. She sat down on his toilet seat as her eyes stayed locked on his wall. Stiles could tell she couldn't handle what she just did. "I need to call Scott. He can help burn your clothes." Stiles frantically tells Cassandra knowing she isn't paying attention. Cassandra grabbed Stiles arm as her eyes stayed focus on the wall.

"This stays between us. No Scott." She whispered softly. Stiles barely heard what she said but he understood what she wanted. Stiles tried to take a deep breath as a million thoughts raced through his mind. He stared down at the blonde haired girl who's entire body was covered in blood. She didn't was like she was frozen. "We have to get the blood off of you." Stiles tells her softly. Cassandra slightly nodded her head without looking at Stiles. Stiles hated seeing her like this. It was like she was broken. Stiles gently took off her shirt that was covered in blood. He then took off her bra making sure he didn't look at her body. He gently slipped off the rest of her clothes as he started the bath water. He grabbed Cassandras hand and led her to the bath tub. She sat down in the warm water but her eyes still stayed stuck on the wall in front of her. She pulled her legs close to her chest as she realized she was naked. Stiles grabbed a rag and started wiping the blood off of her skin. He poured a cup of water on her head hoping it would get rid of the blood stains that were stuck in her golden hair. Stiles continued to scrub the blood off of her as her eyes moved from the wall down to the water. Stiles noticed tears fall down her face as she started hyperventilating.

"Hey... hey.... it's okay.... you are safe now." Stiles reassured her as he continued to clean the blood off of her. "I killed him Stiles.... I killed my foster father... I'm a monster!" Cassandra sobbed as more tears flooded down her face. Stiles felt like his heart had been punched by a million pounds of force. "It was self defense. He was trying to kill you." Stiles reassured her. Stiles didn't know how to help her. The deed had already been done and he couldn't undo what she did. He hated that she called herself a monster when in reality he didn't think she was anything close to that. "He....... he.... said I was just like my mom.... and that he should have killed her." Cassandra stuttered as she continued to cry. Cassandra finally looked up and her eyes met Stiles eyes. She hated the way he was looking at her. Like she was fragile. Like she was broken. Stiles hated seeing her face covered in tears and her eyes a dark shade of red. Stiles quickly broke eye contact with her as he focused on removing the blood. He grabbed soap and scrubbed it on her body. Cassandra could tell Stiles wasn't looking at her body he was just focused on helping her. When Stiles was finished he helped Cassandra stand up and wrapped a towel around her.

"I'm a bad person.... aren't I?" Cassandra asked him softly. Stiles turned to her as his face was inches away from hers. "Hey look at me.... you are not a bad person.....your foster dad was trying to kill you... you had no other choice." Stiles tells her sharply. He gently traced his thumb against her cheek as she stared into his eyes. "I wasn't in control when I killed him Stiles.... I didn't mean to...." Cassandra chocked out as more tears fell down her face. "It's not your fault...... okay......." Stiles tells her softly as he pulls her into his embrace. "Then why do I feel guilty.... it was my powers that killed him can't change that." Cassandra whispers in a sad tone. "I know you feel guilty.....that's because you are human and you care about other people Cassie and it's going to take time to get over this but I want you to realize it's not your fault... you are not a monster." Stiles tells her sharply as he holds her face with his hands. Cassandra wanted to kiss him in that moment but she quickly looked away from him.

"What room in your house?" Stiles asked Cassandra in a low tone. "The living room. The wall.... it's covered in blood...." Cassandra stuttered as the event flashed through her mind. "I think I have to call Scott for help." Stiles tells her softly. Cassandra aggressively shook her head as she grabbed Stiles hand. "I barely convinced myself to tell you. I can't let anyone else know that I am a monster." Cassandra whimpered as her eyes locked with Stiles. He could tell she was scared so he nodded his head. Stiles handed Cassandra fresh clothes and waited for her to change in the bathroom. He placed her bloody clothes in a plastic bag. When Cassandra was dressed Stiles heard a soft knock on his window. Scott climbed through his window with a huge smile on his face. Scott's eyes landed on his two friends who both had sad expressions on their faces. He noticed Cassandra was wearing Stiles clothes and her hair was soaking wet.

"Did you two have sex?" Scott asks them in disbelief. For the first time that night Cassandra let out a laugh causing Stiles to smile. "Uh no.... we have something we need to take care of." Stiles tells him in a serious tone. "What is it? Can I help?" Scott asks them in a concerned tone. Stiles glanced over at Cassandra who looked very scared. "Tell him." Cassandra whispers to Stiles. Stiles filled Scott in on everything he knew. He also warned him that if he yelled at Cassandra that he would kick his ass. The trio got into Stiles jeep and headed towards Cassandras house. "Shit." Stiles mumbled as he pulled his car into Cassandras driveway. Cassandra's house was surrounded by white vans. "And I'm reversing." Stiles mumbles frantically as he quickly drives away from her house.

"At least they will take care of the mess." Stiles mumbles sarcastically as he glances over at Cassandra. She wasn't smiling she looked completely terrified. "So Scott! Have you asked Allison to homecoming yet?" Stiles asked his friend as he tried to lighten the mood. "No... I don't know if I'm going to ask her." Scott replies back sharply. "What about you Cassie?" Stiles asks her in an excited tone. "What was the question?" Cassandra mumbles as she glances over at him. She wasn't listening to anything he previously said. Stiles parked his jeep near the woods before they all got out. "Where do we want to have our little bonfire?" Stiles asks them playfully. "You mean burn the evidence that Cassie killed her dad." Scott replied back in a serious tone. "Correction.... foster dad." Stiles tells him sarcastically.

"Can you two shut up and get this over with?" Cassandra yelled at them as she threw the bag of clothes on the ground. Stiles struggled to light the match causing Scott to laugh at him. "Do you need help?" Scott asked him playfully. "No I got it." Stiles replies back sharply. Cassandra struggled to hold in her laughter at the sight of Stiles being unable to light a match. He finally lit the match and threw it down on the bag of clothes. "Phew.... now that that's over." Stiles mumbles as they start to walk away. Scott abruptly stopped as he looked around the woods. "Please don't tell us you hear something!" Stiles yelled at him. "I think I hear something." Scott tells them softly. Stiles groans as he glances over at Cassandra. Before Scott had time to react something came out of the woods and grabbed Cassandra.

Stiles and Cassandra both screamed as Cassandras body started being dragged away from the group by a werewolf. She clung her nails into the ground as she screamed in pain. The werewolf clung onto her waist with its mouth. It's teeth stabbed through her skin as it tried to drag her away. Scott turned into a werewolf and tackled the other werewolf off of her. Cassandras body was covered in blood as her stomach ached in pain. Stiles quickly ran over to her and knelt beside her. "It hurts!" She yelled as she laid on her back. Stiles frantically placed his hand over her wound hoping she wouldn't bleed out.

Cassandra can't catch a break omg 😩

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