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•The Hunt•Word count 1430

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•The Hunt•
Word count 1430

Cassie continued to try and move her body as she listened to Issac list off letters as Stiles anxiously wrote them down. "E....." Issac mumbles as his voice trails off. Stiles no longer heard the flipping of pages causing him to look up at the brown haired boy. Issac seemed to be zoning out as his eyes were directly on Cassandra. Stiles rolled his eyes as he looked at Issac and then back at Cassandra. "Focus buddy!" Stiles yells at him. "Sorry...." Issac mumbles as he quickly looks back down at the book. "Please don't tell me the next letter is N....."Stiles mumbled as he looked down at the letters he had previously written. "Why?" Issac asked him nervously. Scott peered over Stiles shoulder before quickly taking the piece of paper out of his hand.

"Issac..... keep listing off letters." Scott tells him. "That's what we have been literally doing this entire time!" Stiles yells as he quickly takes the paper back from Scott. "The next letter is in fact N...... well now ..... she highlighted an empty space." Issac mumbles as he squints his eyes at the paper. "Stiles my legs are starting to hurt." Cassandra mumbles. Stiles stumbles to stand up as he nearly falls over. He picks Cassandra up by her waist as she doesn't move a muscle. Cassandra felt her face get hot at the feeling of Stiles holding her. He sat her body down near Scott and placed her drooping head on his shoulder. Her body started falling forward and Stiles quickly caught her before putting her body back on Scott's shoulder. He made sure she wasn't going to fall before walking back over to Issac. "I can hold her." Issac says softly. Stiles simply glares at him before he turns his attention back to the letters. "The space could indicate that its the end of the first word." Stiles mumbles.

"H.......o.......u....." Issac tells Stiles as he flips through the pages. "Let me guess S.... E." Stiles says sharply. Issac scans the last two pages and his eyes land on the last two letters. "You are correct." Issac mumbles softly. Stiles nervously runs a hand through his hair as Issac grabs the paper from him. "Her mom.... is at this place?" Issac asks Stiles sharply. "What is it?" Cassandra asked them sharply as she watched the two boys who seemed very nervous. Her head was still on Scott's shoulder but she wished it was Stiles. "Well......" Stiles says playfully as he starts nervously laughing along with Issac. "You're mother may or may not be at Eichen house." Stiles says playfully.

"The insane asylum...... tell me you are joking?" Cassandra yells at Stiles. Stiles shakes his head as Issac gives her a sad look. "Well we have to go there." Scott announces to the group. "Eichen house! That's even scarier than Cassandras abandoned home!" Stiles yells in disbelief. Cassandra glares at him causing him to simply nod his head. Cassandras head started falling forward but Scott quickly caught her before she fell. "Thanks." Cassandra mumbles as he holds her arms tightly. Stiles quickly sits next to her and moves her head to his shoulder. "Once you are unfrozen we can go to Eichen house." Stiles tells Cassandra softly as he runs a hand through her soft hair. "How much longer before I am unfrozen?" Cassandra asked him softly. "Twenty minutes." Stiles informs her causing her to groan.

"If Jackson were here he would be having the time of his life with a frozen Cassandra." Scott says playfully causing everyone to laugh except Cassandra and Stiles. "That's not funny I actually hate him." She replies sharply. "You look so cute when your angry." Stiles says softly. He wanted to kiss her cheek but he stopped himself from doing it instead he placed a soft kiss on her head. Cassandra felt butterflies in her stomach at the feeling of Stiles soft lips on her head. Scott stood up quickly as he looked around anxiously. Issac also stood up as they both each other concerned looks.

"What do you hear?" Cassandra asked them both sharply. "Sounds like a bunch of men running through the woods." Scott mumbles causing Stiles to give Cassandra a concerned look. "They are coming this way." Issac tells them softly. Stiles quickly stood up and picked up Cassandra bridal style. "Let's quickly get to my car! Like now!" Stiles yelled at Issac and Scott. They all started quickly heading out of the woods. The sound of gunshots caused Stiles to nearly slip on mud as he started sprinting towards his car. He noticed Cassandra looked extremely scared as she laid completely still in his arms. "I can't use my magic against them.... I'm still frozen." She whispers as her voice cracks. "It's okay I'm going to protect you." Stiles reassures her. He turns around for a split second noticing Scott and Issac running right behind him. Scott groaned as a bullet pierced into his chest just below his heart. "Oh my God!" Stiles yelled as blood poured out of Scott's chest. He finally reached the car and quickly set Cassandra down in the back. Issac helped carry Scott to the car. "Hurry up!" Stiles screamed frantically as Issac sprinted into the back seat. Stiles tried to turn his key into the ignition but the key seemed to be stuck.

"Come on!" Stiles yelled angrily as he frantically tried to turn the key. Scott groaned in pain in the passenger seat next to him. Stiles looked out the window at five men in black suits all carrying guns coming his way. "Start the car Stiles!" Cassandra screamed at him. "Wow! I didn't think of that!" Stiles yelled back sarcastically. He looked back at Cassandra who's head was laying in Issacs lap. Stiles knew that he was probably about to be shot by one of those men but he still had time to be jealous. Scott groaned in pain again causing Stiles to look over at him. Stiles gagged as he quickly looked away at his friend who was now drenched in blood. Stiles turned the key with all his force causing the car to finally start up. "Yes!" Stiles screamed as he quickly started driving away. "Oh my God!" Stiles screamed as a bullet hit his window completely shattering it. He hit the gas with all his force causing the car to quickly drive away.

"Isn't that supposed to heal?" Stiles asked his friend who was struggling to breathe in the seat beside him. "The bullet must still be inside him." Issac mumbles softly. "Just don't bleed on my seats." Stiles mumbled as he glanced over at Scott. Issacs hands were caked in blood as he looked down at the beautiful girl in his lap. Cassandra could feel Issacs eyes on her but she didn't get butterflies like she did around Stiles. "How you doing back there?" Stiles asked Cassandra playfully as he reaches to the back seat and pats her head. "I'm fine except the fact that Scott got shot because those men want me dead." Cassandra says nervously. Stiles continues to pet her head causing Cassandra to smack his hand away causing them both to gasp. "Hey I'm unfrozen!" She yells as she moves her body. It felt great to finally move again. She pushed her body off of Issac as she gave him a soft smile.

"Can somebody get this bullet out of me?" Scott screamed. Stiles widened his eyes as he looked back at Issac and Cassandra. "Anybody here a surgeon?" Stiles asks them sarcastically. "Take him to his mom." Cassandra tells Stiles seriously. "I was thinking maybe you could like cut the bullet out with a plastic spoon or something." Stiles says sarcastically causing Cassandra to roll her eyes at him. She playfully shoves Stiles head causing him to groan. "I can imagine you in a nurse outfit... it would be hot!" Stiles yells playfully. "Shut up." She mumbles as she slumps back into her seat. Stiles turns to face her as he gives her a wink. Her face gets bright red as she quickly looks out the window. "You have time to flirt while I am literally dying!" Scott screams in disbelief. Issac sighs as he watches the way Cassandra and Stiles were around each other. They both obviously liked each other and his heart sank at the sight of it but he knew they deserved each other. "That's just...disgusting." Stiles mumbles as Scott starts coughing horrifically.

Scott do be dying tho 💀

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