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•Hell Breaks Loose•Word count 1400

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•Hell Breaks Loose•
Word count 1400

"This team may be better than us in every aspect but we have something they don't have!" Coach yells at the team as they all waited in the locker room. "What do we have?" Jackson asked him sharply. "I thought I would come up with something by the time I go to that part in the speech." Coach mumbles as he looks around at his team. Stiles and Scott both gave each other a confused look as they waited for Coach to say something. "We got this team!" Coach yells as he walks out of the locker room. They boys all follow behind him as they were still uncertain what that speech was even about besides telling them they aren't as good as the other team. Stiles ran out onto the field as he heard the crowd cheering for their team. His eyes landed on the cheerleaders waving their pom poms around. He sent Cassandra a smile as he noticed she was staring at him. She waved at him and he quickly waved back. He was too busy staring at her he wasn't watching where he was going causing him to run into Jackson.

"Stilinksi! Watch where you are going!" Jackson yelled at him. "Sorry." Stiles mumbles as he quickly walks away from the other boy. Jackson made his way towards the cheerleaders causing Cassandras eyes to widen. "Hide me." She whispered to Lydia as she quickly ducked behind her friend. Lydia laughed as she waved at Jackson. "Hey Jackson." Lydia says in a flirtatious way causing Cassandra to gag. "Shut up I'm not over here for you." Jackson replies sharply. Cassandra hears Lydia take a deep breath and she realizes Jackson actually had an affect over Lydia. Lydia actually cared what he said to her. "Hey Cassie." Jackson says playfully as he peers over Lydias shoulder.

The blonde haired girl nervously revealed herself from behind Lydia. "Shouldn't you be on the field?" She asks him sharply as she crosses her arms. "Yeah but the shows right here." He says playfully as his eyes trail up her body. Cassandra felt uncomfortable as Jackson's eyes were practically burning into her body. "If you want I can help you take that off after the game." Jackson whispers loudly. Cassandra rolled her eyes as she noticed Lydia looked genuinely hurt. "I'd rather eat my own foot." Cassandra replied sharply. "You can suck on something else." Jackson says playfully as he raises his eyebrows at her.

"Cassandra! Woah hey Jackson.... didn't see you here...... my dad wanted to talk to you about global warming." Stiles says playfully as he wraps his arm around Cassandra. Cassandra felt herself sigh in relief as Stiles dragged her away from Jackson. "You are a life savor." She says playfully as he leads her to the bench. She sits next to him causing their legs to be pressed against each other. Stiles took in Cassandras appearance and she looked beautiful as always but the cheer uniform always made her look extremely hot. Stiles cleared his throat as he quickly looked away from her. "Y.... you..... you...." Stiles stuttered but he couldn't seem to form words. He didn't know why she had this affect over him. "Stiles Stilinksi is speechless for the first time in his life.... what could ever be the reason?" Cassandra says sarcastically.

"You...." Stiles blurts out but immediately regrets it. A laugh leaves Cassandras lips causing Stiles heart to quicken. "I meant that I have to tell you something." Stiles says as he tries to recover from the embarrassing remark he just made. "Well tell me." Cassandra replies softly as she rests her hand on his leg and gives her all his attention. Stiles glances down at her hand as he feels himself take a deep breath. "I overheard your dad saying he wants you dead." Stiles whispers seriously. "I already knew that." Cassandra replies playfully but her smile soon fell as she realized Stiles was dead serious.

"He's working with the men who took your mom." Stiles tells her softly. Cassandra didn't like her foster father. She had called him a villain many times but she didn't believe he was the one who helped take her mom. "Why would he offer to be my foster father then?" Cassandra mumbled in disbelief. "I assume to keep an eye on you." Stiles replies softly. Cassandra felt someone sit awfully close to her on the other side of the bench. "You do know the game is about to start and you are sitting on my bench!" Coach screamed at her. "Sorry." She mumbled frantically as she quickly got off of the bench. She ran back over to the cheerleaders as her mind could only think about her foster father. She zoned out as she screamed the cheers. Stiles watched her as she seemed very out of it. He started to get up from the bench to run over to talk to her but he noticed Issac running off the field towards her.

"Hey you okay?" Issac asked her softly as he pulled off his helmet. "Yeah I just found out my foster dad works for the people who took my mom." Cassandra mumbles frantically. She does a backflip causing Issac to take a step away from her. Stiles watched the two as he tried to listen to what they were saying. He felt jealous as Issac pulled Cassandra into a hug. "You always knew your foster father was an asshole and I know it's a hard thing to accept but at least now you know so you can be careful around him." Issac tells Cassandra softly.

"I don't know why my team keeps talking to the cheerleaders!" Coach screams angrily as he walks over to yell at Issac. Cassandra laughs as Issac gets dragged back onto the field. She felt a smile on her face as she took a deep breath. Issac was right it wasn't like she actually cared about her foster father. He treated her like shit and a part of her knew he wanted her dead since the moment he first hit her. Her eyes landed on Stiles sitting on the bench. He looked so cute as he nervously bit his finger nails as his eyes were focused on the game. She turned her attention to the game and the second she looked away from him he looked over at her. He noticed how she didn't seem as upset as before. Whatever Issac said apparently helped.

"Bilinski! Go in for Greenberg!" Coach yelled at him. Stiles frantically put on his helmet as he ran out onto the field. Cassandra loudly cheered for him causing a smile to form on his face. They were losing by a lot and Stiles was very nervous. Scott passed the ball to Stiles who started running down the field. Stiles had no clue what he was doing as he threw the ball into the goal causing the crowd to scream. All the guys practically jumped on Stiles. Stiles eyes widened as he couldn't believe he just did that. He glanced over at Cassandra who was screaming in excitement for him. Cassandra watched Stiles play and he was doing really good. Time seemed to stop as Stiles looked over at her causing their eyes to lock. She quickly looked away from him as her eyes landed on the parking lot behind Stiles. Three huge white vans sped into the parking lot. They parked next to the field as the doors burst open.

Men in black suits emerged from the doors as they started running towards the field. Cassandra looked around to see if anyone else noticed what she was seeing. Stiles eyes landed on Cassandra. She was no longer smiling or dancing with the cheerleaders. Her eyes were zoned in on the parking lot behind him. He turned around as he saw a bunch of men dressed in black running onto the field. An ear piecing screamed caused all the players and fans to get quiet. Issac, Scott and Cassandra covered their ears due to the sound being too loud. All eyes landed on Lydia as her scream echoed throughout the entire field. Everyone's eyes landed on the men carrying guns. "Everyone get down!" Mr. Argent screamed. Cassandra felt frozen as all the lacrosse players sprinted off of the field.

They ruined the lacrosse game 😑

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