Binding Souls - 47Yrs BTA

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The eye of the full moon hung in the sky, showering the land below in silver light. Stars were sprinkled around it, blinking and glinting in their shining brilliance, mixing together in spectacular colours that were impossible to see any other time of day. The light shone down on a pair of dragons as they walked along a small path up the side of a mountain overlooking a lush green valley. Insects thrummed their presence with chirps and twitters. A trickling stream added its own note to the evening's natural rhythm.

"You picked an amazing night Yivian," chuckled one of the dragons as she looked over the side of the cliff, down into the valley where flickering fireflies danced.

Yivian smiled, giving the dragoness a gentle nudge with his snout, "Glad I got this one right."

He looked at her with a full heart. Her creamy blue scales glowed in the light of the midnight moon, polished and near flawless. Her luminous yellow eyes shone with wonder. Her mind, a vision of perfection, pulsed and moved with marvel, touching the very essence of the many creatures of the night, sensing and enveloping their own thoughts and emotions. Then her mind touched his, and he felt her gratitude, pulsing and moving through him, like a river that only overflowed his own heart.

"You did get this one right," she snickered, nuzzling him back, "I've never experienced this before."

"Yeah. Seeing it in the other's minds... well I couldn't miss the opportunity. Not this year," replied Yivian as the two of them continued to walk up the path, which was well worn by the claws of a millennium of dragons.

"I wonder what the pond will look like," she said eagerly, looking up the trail to the top of the mountain, her wings rustling on her back.

"I have an idea," smiled Yivian, remembering the image he had seen in the midst of his parent's minds.

He could feel her mental probe trying to dig the information out of his mind, but he quickly blocked her. A simple illusion, enough to make it so that she couldn't find what she was looking for. He wanted to see her surprise, it was always a victory to bring surprise to another mind dragon.

"Oh, you are a tease Yivian," she pouted, causing him to bark a laugh.

"Adrella, you need to learn patience," he teased, pushing her softly with his wing, "It'll be worth it, trust me."

"You're just making me want to fly up there and leave you behind," she replied, though Yivian could see that her thoughts were slightly torn on the idea. It was nice to finally enjoy an evening together, without having to worry about the stresses of life in the valley. There was no one else but them. She wanted to enjoy what little time they were allowed to spend together.

"Uh, uh. If you do that you break our pact. No flying to the top of the mountain. We are only allowed to walk," he said, puffing out his chest a little.

"Aargh, I still regret making that pact," Adrella snorted.

"No, you don't," replied the drake with a slight smirk.

She rolled her eyes, leaning into him, and he put a wing over her as they continued walking, "Why don't you just let me be dramatic for once?"

"Because you, my dear Adrella, are better than that."

She nipped at the scales of his neck, causing him to jump away with a laugh, "And you, my dear Yivian, are the worst."

"And yet you still love me," he retorted, trotting a short way ahead.

"I hardly understand why myself," she grunted flicking her tail, before picking up her pace to catch up to him.

The two continued to walk up the path, laughing and enjoying the beauty of the night. It was peaceful, and despite the teasing they put each other through, it was as though all the troubles of the past couple of months were falling away. As they continued to talk Yivian couldn't help but reminisce about his time with Adrella.

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