The Council of Species - 41Yrs BTA

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Opallio lay on her outcrop, overlooking the cavern before her with lidded eyes. The open roof above her allowed a pillar of light to fall through, illuminating the green shrubs and plants that managed to grow from the rocky walls and hardened soil, and shining upon her crystal scales, showing all the glory of her species. The cavern was not a large one, or at least not as large as the one back in the earthen nation, but it still was about twenty dragon lengths in width and double that high. Her outcrop was near the top, closer to the roof of the cavern, neatly flattened and carved after millennia of use. Behind her, it led into a small tunnel that she knew exited from the current mountain she was in and into the outside world.

Dotting the walls around it were eighteen other outcrops, all empty, each as smoothed and warn as her own with a tunnel leading away from them. As usual, Opallio was the first to arrive. She liked it that way. It meant she could observe and document when everyone else came in. It meant that no secret conversations could be had between the dragons that did arrive early without her being present for them. She always enjoyed those conversations. With a soft sigh, she allowed herself to fall into a light doze. She knew that this council would be an interesting one, as for the first time in near a century there was a new member.

The first to arrive, after her of course, were the two dragons that represented the elements of the sky. Ingun the ice drake, as representative of his species, with frigid blue, nearly white scales and a frill of horns, and his queen Polliar, the wind dragoness, with creamy white scales and wings that even folded up expanded nearly the length of her body, standing in for her own species. They, of course, arrived together, as they usually did. Polliar gave Opallio a friendly nod of greeting, which the crystal dragoness returned. Opallio had always though Polliar was a good ruler of her kin, soft-spoken and quietly powerful. Ingun however was a fair bit louder and was often one of the greater voices within the council.

From there the other species began trickling in. Lumiane was next, king of the light dragons, with radiant golden scales and translucent wings, and a power that radiated from him like a beam of light. Tuden came next, representing the life dragons, emerald green scales, and a scar across his snout. Forrice was soon after, the gravity dragoness, her long horns, creamy blue scales, and massive size nearly making her too big for her outcrop. Opallio's own king appeared from below her, Strager the metal drake, with his silvery shell shimmering and reflecting the light, and the golden scales on his torso and legs glimmering in the same way. Garner followed, appearing beside her and giving her a small smile, the earth drake with his marsh green scales, brown underbelly and massive size that was too big for the outcrop, forced to lay part of his body in the tunnel he had just came out from.

Siedon appeared, king of the water-based dragons and the oldest ruler of them all. His deep blue scales still radiated the ocean and piercing eyes showed ancient wisdom. Zagen the acid drake followed, with his dark green scales and poisonous tale tip, he held himself as the representative of the acid dragons, who then fell under Siedon as king. After them, the rest of the mental species seemed to arrive all at once. Zay'ues, the drake that represented the weather dragons, with a large body and blue scales swamped with green, quite often a jovial dragon. There was Eledior of the spirit dragons, her white scales, and mysterious aura giving nothing away but calm confidence. She rarely spoke, and when she did, she gave nothing away. The mystery of her species made each of them slightly uneasy around her. Talon the telekinetic drake appeared after her, his calm hazel scales like large plates along his body and the small stones on his outcrop seemed to levitate under his power. Finally, Laywil arrived, the mind drake who was king of all the mental species, ruling alongside his mate Vanilier, his cream blue scales and silently powerful aura gaining instant attention from the others in the room. Opallio smile slightly when she saw him. It was always quite the game to guess which of the two ruling mind dragons would show up to the council, as the rules only allowed one of each species to be present.

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