Shattering Crystal - 36Yrs BTA

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 "Out of my way! Out of my way dammit!"

A purple hewed crystal dragon sped through the air at a frantic pace, narrowly dodging startled onlookers as they hurriedly moved up against the side of the tall walls of the canyon. Several dropped to the ground, narrowly avoiding stepping on the many humans moving along the ground below. A metal dragoness let out a yelp of surprise as the crystal drake spun around her, beating his wings faster and faster, his crystalline scales flicking odd shapes of light against the canyon walls.

Behind him a roar of unrequited fury echoed down the canyon, causing all to freeze in place, turning to face whatever made the noise. The massive thwumps of an elder dragon's wings pulsed like drums. The crystal drake let out a whine, pushing himself to go faster as he held his forepaws close to his chest. Bloodstained those claws, dripping to the ground below.

"I will kill you Shatter!" the roaring dragon's voice shook the earth, "You are not going to escape me!"

Shatter growled silently to himself as he took a sharp turn down another canyon. He would rise above the walls of the canyon, but that would leave him out in the open, where a large dragon, like his aggressor, would be able to chase him down without trouble. Better to stay low to the ground, where he could use his maneuverability to his advantage.

He blurred past many archways and locked entrances. He slipped past a large open cavern, filled with young hatchlings playing jovially in tumbles and roles. A blue-coloured water dragon, rather out of place in the usual silvers, yellows, greens, and opallic purples, hissed at him as he shot by, before growling a surprised yelp when the thud of large wings sounded through the canyon again.

Shatter took a moment to look behind him and let out a growl worry. The large green body of the elder earth drake was catching him, fast. How something so large could move with such speed was confusing for the drake, but he could do naught but continue to strain his wings even further. It was getting difficult to keep his pace. His breaths were getting shorter, and his heart bashed at his chest as though trying to force itself out.

Several cracks appearing along the canyon wall were the only warning he got before a spike of earthen stone shot outwards at him. He twisted in mid-air, pulling his wings inward, launching himself higher and narrowly dodging the projectile. He looked back again, letting liquid crystal condense along his tail, before flicking it and sending several razor-sharp spikes back at the approaching earth dragon. The drake responded by firing a boulder back at Shatter, destroying the spikes and forcing him into another twisting movement. Several cries followed as the boulder smashed into a crowd of humans who had stopped to watch the chase.

Realizing his plan wasn't working, Shatter quickly flapped his wings hard, trying to force himself higher into the sky and into the open. More cracks along the canyon walls forced him to pull his wings close and dive again to avoid more erupting spikes of stone. The earth dragon was waiting for him. Shatter let out a snarl as he spun around another boulder but couldn't dodger the swiping claws of the massive dragon. He was smashed from the sky, claws tearing through his scales and leaving several ragged gashes along his flank.

He hit the ground hard, sliding several metres, and groaning as the wind was knocked out of him. For a moment he lay still, gasping back his breath, before quickly staggering to his feet as the ground rumbled at the landing of the other dragon. Shatter opened his mouth, firing several crystal daggers at the earth drake. He simply moved his wing as a shield, stone condensing around its surface as a shield. It did obscure his vision for a moment though. Shatter took the moment to scan his surroundings. Injured humans were being dragged out of the way. Dragons hovered in the air above them, watching in both fear and trepidation. None would be helping him. Byron's reputation was far too frightening. To stand against him was a death sentence.

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