Haunted Words - 5Yrs BTA

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Heat billowed through the cavernous tunnels and caverns of the underground conclave. Screams of fever pitch bounced along the limestone walls. Cries of agony and rage followed, accompanied by waves of rippling power that flooded the senses and weakened the heart. Flickering flames washed through the tunnels, and the stones themselves began to turn hues of glowing red, slowly drooping, before collapsing in several places.

In the depths of the conclave, a white dragon ran as quickly as she dared. She could feel the inferno burning above her, wreaking havoc upon her home. She could hear the cries of her subjects. She knew that they fought a hopeless battle. They hadn't been prepared, believed they were protected by the chaotic storm of war a decent way away from their conclave. A place they believed was secret and hidden. But when the raging fire had fallen from the heavens, they regretted their complacency.

The dragoness was unused to the feeling running through her. It was a dread, starting in her stomach, before coiling up through her entire body, like being draped in a heavy blanket. It made her breaths short and ragged, and her four legs move all the faster with claws scratching against the stone, and her long wings curled tightly to her side.

She entered a small chamber, this one only illuminated by the soft glow of flaming torches. She stopped in the middle, looking down the path that continued from the cavern with slight trepidation. It was a dark passageway, lacking the lighting of the rest of the conclave, but it was large. Large enough to fly down. The dragoness shuffled her wings with slight eagerness, a small smile appearing across her muzzle. She had prepared for this. And now, her enemy would pay for ever rising against her. With a growl she opened her large wings, launching forward into the darkness with a flap. The heat chasing her was growing. She didn't have much time now.

"You better be ready sage," she rumbled with narrowed eyes, remembering the most contentious part of her plan.

The darkness blocked nearly her entire sight, but she had been down the tunnel so often now that she had memorized the way. After a minute or so of flying, the tunnel opened into another large cavern. This one was flooded with what seemed like liquid darkness. There were pinpoints of light far down below, barely flickering torchers, as well as the glowing body of another dragon with golden scales. The light illuminated other figures of different colours, gathered around a large light blue drake and an unconscious, smaller, purple drake.

She folded her wings, diving down toward the ground with a soft warning growl. They quickly backed off at her presence as she landed near the blue mind dragon. The drake had an odd aura running from him, one that seemed to encompass the entire room, but the white dragoness ignored it, knowing that her aura was very much the same.

"Is it done?" she growled at him, glancing up into the inky blackness above her.

The drake didn't immediately respond, staring down at the unconscious purple dragon with a pondering gaze.

"Sage, we don't have time for this. Is it done?" the white dragon growled again.

He sighed, "Eledior... this is wrong. You shouldn't have done this."

Eledior snorted, "Save your quips for another day, and answer my question."

The Sage turned his gaze toward her, studying her for a long moment, "After this, you must let these dragons go."

"These dragons are our only salvation at the moment sage. I am not going to bargain with you."

"You will promise me," the Sage growled back, "I don't care if we all burn to death. After this, if you win, you will let these dragons go, and you will forget this horrible practice."

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