The Dark - 31Yrs BTA

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Vyt'all suddenly found himself able to breathe. A rush of air through his lungs that seemed like the first he had consciously taken in weeks. His eyes cleared of the darkness, and he staggered forward on his own four legs. The cold presence that had been with him for what seemed like eons leaked from his body in cold tingles. A cough escaped the drake as his legs, unused to moving with his own will, collapsed to the ground, leaving him lightheaded and shaky. A groan escaped him as he looked back at his own body, dimly lit by several flaming torches set some distance away.

He was met by the familiar electric yellow scales, jagged wings, and spear-tipped tail of his species. What was unusual however was the ethereal white mist seeping out from his scales and into the dim light of wherever he was. He watched, with growing fascination and fear, as the mist curled up in front of him. It then began to solidify, quickly forming into the shape of a dragon. Smooth white scales appeared from its depths, followed by a smooth body and piercing yellow eyes. He let out a short whimper, backing away as the mist revealed a large dragoness, standing over him with a slightly amused expression.

The drake looked to his left and right, only to see darkness on both sides of him, broken up by the dim red and yellow flames attached to what he assumed was a wall, but it was so dark he couldn't tell. Within the darkness, he could make out other figures. Glowing yellow eyes looked back at him, some bored, some suspicious, and others dreary and sorrowful. The darkness around them seemed to almost move as well, as though it were somehow alive. Vyt'all looked back at the dragoness, who had sat down on her haunches, with a new fearful anger.

"Who...who are you? Where am I?" he stuttered.

She tilted her head, "Do you not remember me?"

A rumble escaped him, "I've never seen you before in my life."

A strange aura radiated from her, one that felt familiar to other dragons that he had come across over the course of his life. Though it was different all the same. It was like a cold presence of power that delved into his very being, causing his soul to shiver like a hatchling in the midst of a storm. His tail curled around his back legs as he slowly slunk backward, reaching for his element, his electricity now buzzing through his scales.

"I wouldn't try that young dragon," the dragoness said, "Those that disobey me suffer... grave consequences."

Vyt'all let out a growl at that, "Where am I? What is going on?"

The dragoness huffed in agitation, getting to her feet with a rather menacing gaze, "This... Vyt'all wasn't it... is your new home."

"New home?" He looked around at the darkness with greater fear, "Wh... what?"

"You are now my property," the white dragoness continued, taking a step toward him, "And will stay down here until I decide I have a need for you."

That caused another growl to flood the lightning drake, "I am no one's property. Let me out of here... now."

A laugh escaped the dragoness as she took another step toward him, "Or what? Who is going to come looking for you? Your mate? Oh... wait... no. Maybe... hmm... maybe your parents? But oh! That's right! They're gone as well. Maybe... any siblings? When was the last time you spoke to your sisters again?"

With each word, the drake felt himself shrinking further and further into despair. He curled back from the dragoness's approach, lowering his head while looking around in a desperate attempt to find help from any of the dragons looking at him within the shadows. None stepped forward. In a desperate attempt to do something, he opened his mouth, charging himself with a bolt of lightning. But before he even attempted the attack, the white dragon once again dissipated into an ethereal mist. The bolt careened through it harmlessly. Thinking he had a moment, he leaped into the air with a flap of his wings.

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