Unwanted Love - 35Yrs BTA

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"I'm sorry, drake, but the queen isn't seeing anyone today. You have to wait for tomorrow like everyone else."

Abelan bowed his head in understanding to the two dragons guarding the entrance to the large castle made from scorched stone. He thought it was rather comical, there being only two drakes standing in front of an entrance that could likely fit a hundred dragons abreast, but he supposed the respect the queen governed was enough to prevent any from actually entering the castle without permission. There were also several dragons inside, who would also notice anyone suspicious trying to sneak in. It wasn't that he was trying to sneak in of course. There was no reason for him to do so. He had been waiting for this day for many years, he didn't see harm in waiting a day more. Still, he didn't want to have to find lodgement somewhere in the city without even trying. He wasn't exactly a rich dragon.

"I understand..." began Abelan, "I just... well... I heard a rumour that the queen was housing any fire starved that had been chased out of the nation from... before."

The two guards glanced at each other and one asked, "Are you fire starved?"

Abelan nodded, "I am... yes."

There was a moment of silence in response to his words, "I will go and see what I can do for you... just wait here."

The guard that had spoken turned and with a flap of his wings flew into the castle, leaving Abelan alone with the other. He could feel the drake's eyes studying him with a mixture of curiosity and pity. The curiosity didn't surprise Abelan. He had grown quite used to the stares over the course of his life. Like most fire dragons, he had the same red scales and yellow underbelly, large wings, a twin set of horns and small yellow spines running down his back. Unlike most fire dragons, many of his scales were twisted and deformed. Several hadn't grown back correctly, and the leathery skin around the joint of his right wing was scarred and grotesque. All evidence of severe burning.

"Curious about the scars, huh?" Abelan smiled at the other drake.

He was a young one, not even halfway through his first decade. He likely had never seen wounds of the type Abelan exhibited.

"Sorry," the guard looked away, "I shouldn't be staring."

"I understand," Abelan shrugged his wings, "They don't bother me anymore. They are kind of a reminder of... someone I used to know."

"Oh... it must have been some battle to end up like that."

"Less a battle... more fleeing for my life."

"Ah. Yeah... was it another fire dragon?"


"Theleon? Apparently he used to do that stuff all the time."

"You would think so, but actually no. It was a rogue equilibrium."

"Ouch. You really were lucky to survive then."

"Haha, I guess you could say that. Oh, you didn't tell me your name young drake."

"I'm Peralter."

"Good to meet you Peralter. I'm Abelan."

"You too," the young drake smiled, "Can I ask whose equilibrium it was?"

"Looks like your partner has returned. If you come find me later, I'll be happy to tell you the story."

Peralter turned to see the other guard come to a quick landing several metres away, followed by another drake, this one likely in his second decade. The new arrival also had scars, though none nearly as severe as Abelan's. They covered his snout and chest in long scratches. The new dragon eyed him curiously, nearly suspiciously.

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