Infiltration - 49Yrs BTA

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Vitto stared into pool of water before him, the calm surface and black floor allowing a perfect reflection to bounce back toward him. An unfamiliar face looked back at him. Scales of ruby red and soft yellow. Scars he did not earn ran across his snout and chest, from a horrendous battle he had taken no part in. Muscled bulk he was not accustomed to surrounded his shoulders and back, evidence of long flights and difficult manoeuvres. Small, curved spikes he had never known before ran down the length of his back, accompanied by horns with a slight curve he was unfamiliar with. He stared into the pond, and the dragon staring back at him was not him.

A sigh escaped the dragon's mouth as he lent forward, gently dipping his muzzle into the water and taking a long draught, quenching his dry throat. He stepped back and shook his head, turning his attention to his surroundings. At what would be his home... no... his living space for the next... however long he was required to stay there. Despite the months he had already stayed, he couldn't bring himself to refer to it as home. It was too... dark, with too much red and yellow, and with a ground that didn't exuberate the life that he was used to. The last forest he had left behind hours ago, only flying across dull and burnt soil.

Even as he looked around him, all he saw was the black scorched stone of the fire nation's biggest castle. A place definitely made for practicality rather than beauty. It would take the most powerful sort of earth dragon to break through its exterior. Other dragons milled around him, all of them fire, with the same red scales and yellow underbelly. Many were bigger than Vitto, as he was only ten years old, or at least he was in his normal body. In this body he guessed he was around twelve. Another unfamiliarity.

"Vitto! You're back!" came a startled and gleeful shout from the other side of the chamber.

He looked up and found himself unable to stop a smile from spreading across his snout. Hurrying across the chamber as fast as she dared was a dragoness, her ruby red scales seemed to have been recently cleaned and polished, and her enthusiasm infectious.

"Sakary," he greeted her with a dip of his head as she got closer.

"I didn't think you would be back so soon!" Sakary exclaimed as she came to a near skidding stop in front of him.

"Yeah," the drake found an odd warmth rush to his face as he looked at her, "I... uh... it was a short visit. Didn't want to miss out on much back here."

"Of... of course. Yeah. That makes sense," she said suddenly seeming quite flustered.

"I was actually about to go and report back to the queen," continued Vitto, "You want to come? I could use some filling in on what has been happening inside the castle while I've been gone."

She beamed at him, nodding her head vigorously, "I mean... if you're happy for me to come. Well, I mean, of course you are. But if you're sure."

Vitto rolled his eyes, beginning to walk, "Come on."

She fell into step beside him and together they walked out of the chamber, the dragoness chatting happily about what had happened while he had been gone. In reality there hadn't been much, a couple of visitors from some of the lighting dragons, a debacle within the castle guards of a fight between two dragons who had unknowingly been sharing the same mate. But nothing of substance. Still, Vitto couldn't help but enjoy her talking. He knew he shouldn't. There was no reason the feelings rushing through his body should even be there. But he couldn't help it.

"You are way too deep in thought to be listening to me," Sakary said suddenly with a smile, "What's got you so sombre?"

Vitto shook his head, "Sorry... was just thinking about how much I missed you while was gone."

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