A Tale of Light and Dark - 6Yrs BTA

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Ender hovered in the sky, his black wings beating heavily. The full moon watched from behind him, surveying the chaos that lay below. Fire burned in a desolate wasteland, where only the scattered stumps of ashen trees survived. Bright beams of golden light lit up scorched rivers and broken ground, piercing into clouds of living darkness. The roars of pain, fear, and determination warped together in a constant drone of terror. The cacophony of flapping wings and elemental blasts only added to the shock. Lightning sizzled in all directions. Fire lit the sky red. Scarlet chaos energy broke through the battle lines. The other side was nearly silent as black shadow dragons clawed their way through the battle with slashing talons and biting teeth, disappearing into the shadow realm, and reappearing in a constant pattern, basking their enemies in darkness.

The night gave them strength, and in the melee the battle had become below they had the advantage in power. But the numbers of the enemy were immense, a sea of red, golden, and yellow scales that stretched for as far as the eye could see. Not to mention that no matter how strong one was within their element, the power of the many equilibria shattered them apart. But they were stopped and halted by the shadow dragons' own equilibria. Enormous storms of darkness were difficult to find in the night sky, but no less deadly as spears of darkness pierced golden balls of living light and enraged hurricanes of red chaos energy.

But that was nothing, not compared to the wall of fire that slowly approached from the west, stretching from the ocean that marked the shadow nation's southern border, to the Living Mountains that marked the nation's north. Tens of thousands of dragon lengths long, and thousands high. They were trapped, and slowly being pushed back toward their main city and final home of their nation.

There was a general hopelessness to the situation. Ender felt cornered, with the only options being retreat or surrender, both with which he refused to even consider. This was his home, and they would do whatever it took to defend it. Death would be a better option than fighting so hard for years only for it to end in humiliation. But with the current battle having been stretched for nearly a week, and his reserves of equilibria dragons growing low, in his heart of hearts he was beginning to consider it.

He quickly shook the feeling off, folding his wings, and diving toward the battlefield below. He closed his eyes, pulling at the darkness around and within him, his body quickly becoming shrouded in shadow as he disappeared into the shadow realm. A place where things were only visible through a lens of darkness and light. The world became an inky black, with shapes warped in darkness moving like shapes through water. Parts of the dimension were broken by holes and lines of blinding white.

The drake landed on the ground, a shockwave of darkness rippling through the shadow realm as he did. He spread his wings, reaching out to the power around him and gripping it with his will. The very realm shuddered, trying to resist him for but a moment, but he overturned any strength it had. A headache formed in his skull as he reached through the shadows, pushing it into the white holes that appeared throughout the realm. The nature of the darkness was to coil back from the light that was its enemy, but Ender forced it forward, spearing it into multiple breaks in the dimension, filling it back up again. Cries of surprise echoed through the dimension as the drake dragged multiple dragged in multiple enemy dragons, reds and golden yellows, crying out as reality around them disappeared as they were shrouded in shadow.

Ender rushed through the darkness, lashing out with talons and claws, spilling blood only represented by warped liquid darkness as he continued to pull other dragons into his realm. He skirted around the large breaks, where the blinding light was too powerful for him to shroud, and he couldn't ignore the giant wall of white in the distance, slowly dissolving the shadow realm with each passing moment.

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