The Conclave of Spirits - 49Yrs BTA

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The tunnel was tight, narrow, and cold. The stone was rough and course, scratching against the lizard's scales as it pulled itself forward, bit by bit. Darkness covered the creature, forcing it to rely on the intermittent tongue flicks to help find its way, tasting the damp muskiness of the air, and the earthly tones of the rock surrounding it. There was a soft yellow and white glow at the end of the tunnel, and the lizard could feel the heat trickling down into the crevice as it moved upward toward it.

As the lizard reached the end of its small journey it stopped, hesitating a moment. Another tongue flick. There was something out there. A smooth scent that glided over its senses like water. It wasn't incredibly noticeable, but it was certainly recognisable. Taking slow and measured steps it moved forward just that slight amount, poking its head out for a wary look.

Almost immediately a speared tail tip came careening toward its head. Too fast to escape to safety. So, the lizard took the only course available. As the tail struck it, it exploded into a white ethereal mist. There was a squawk of surprise from the one responsible for the attack. The mist grew, before glowing slightly as it once again solidified into a physical form. A white dragon, a young adult drake, with flittering wings and a spear tipped tail to match his assailant.

"Hey! You nearly killed me!" he growled toward the other dragon in Drakin.

The accused was a dragoness with the same pearl white scales and speared tail tip. She was around the same age, but her stomach was fairly rounded, a sign for the late stages of gravidity. They were within a cave, with the dragoness laying in her nest and her tail dangling over the side where she had quite nearly killed the other dragon. She was on top of a ledge, the small crevice underneath. There were several holes in the roof of the cave where light beamed through, giving ample light to the two reptiles. She looked at the male flustered and deeply embarrassed.

"Oh my! Vitto! I didn't know it was you! I'm so sorry," she exclaimed.

Vitto relaxed, giving her a teasing smile, "Aah, it's alright. It's been a while, Kayhara. You've let yourself go a bit it seems."

Her embarrassment quickly disappeared into a snarl, "I'm not fat! I'm gravid you idiot."

He snickered, "Just teasing! So, they finally talked you into doing it. Who's the father?"

She sighed, before muttering, "Bujo..."

"Bujo?" Vitto repeated, "Seriously?"

"Hey! He's not so bad!" she replied defensively, "And with you and Dialn gone I really didn't have much else to choose from."

He shrugged his wings, knowing he would have likely refused either way, "I guess."

Kayhara shook herself, "I'm guessing you're back for your first report?"

"Yep," Vitto nodded his head, "The fire kingdom is an... interesting place."

"You were sent to spy on that new queen right? What's her name?"


"Aaah... that's right. Athaer. Is it true she defeated an equilibrium without using her own?"

"Well..." Vitto hesitated, "I can't tell you much. I need to report to the council first."

"Of course, forever one for the rules," Kayhara grumbled, "Come on Vitto! I'm so bored! I've been stuck in this nest for a month! And I haven't been able to change forms at all in nearly three months. Being gravid sucks."

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