The Hidden Side - 29Yrs BTA

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"Who are you? What are you doing here?" the earth dragoness snarled.

Aurum tilted his head, studying the green and brown dragon with solemn distaste. He kept himself seated calmly on the stone ground, his tail casually curled up around his forepaws. The silver shell on his back glimmered slightly in the light of the open door-flap of the cave. Pale yellow scales twisted up his legs and flanks, disappearing under the metallic shell that covered the entire top half of his body, including his wings and tail.

The home he had infiltrated was rather quaint. A nest of soft brown blankets and pillows was set up in one corner. A feeding bowl had been calved into the ground at the other, with bloodstains scouring its surface. Behind him was another cave door covered by a boulder, leaving the more private possessions of the dragoness hidden away. That wasn't why he was here though.

"Thefa," Aurum muttered, bowing his head slightly toward the angry dragon, "I'm shocked you don't remember me."

Thefa growled. She was a large dragoness, as most earth dragons were, and despite being several decades younger she was the same size as the metal dragon. Her curled horns and muscular frame held a rather intimidating figure, with the large spiked ball waving back and forth behind with a savage eagerness.

"You better answer me you thieving snake," she glanced at the boulder behind him, seeming to be slightly relieved that it didn't seem as though it had moved, "Or I will crush your skull."

A grunt of amusement echoed from a dark corner of the chamber, "I'd think twice about that, dragoness."

She spun to face the other intruder, taking a small step back as another dragon revealed themself from the shadows. The purple scales shimmered softly in the light. The flashing grin of white teeth reminiscent of the six serrated horns on the drake's head. Glowing purple eyes watched her, as the drake's tail slowly moved back and forth with careful movements. To her credit, Thefa didn't flinch at the introduction of another home invader, but much of her confidence quickly disappeared as she realised that this wouldn't be a one on one fight. Besides, rift dragons had a reputation for being rather deadly foes.

"What do you want?" she growled, looking between the two of them with narrowed eyes, her body tense.

"We just want to ask a couple of questions," Aurum responded.

"About what?"

"About something that happened near... oh... it would be over a century ago now. When a dragon was nearly trapped and killed because of the false accusations of his peers."

Thefa's eyes widened slightly, "Aurum? You lived?"

"I escaped. I thought that was common knowledge."

He could see the genuine worry now flooding through her, along with a hint of guilt. It was quickly replaced by resolve and another growl as Thefa slowly began to back away from the two of them, glancing back toward the open door-flap behind them. The rift dragon snorted at her attempt, taking a quick step forward, his maw opened slightly with a threatening purple glow. She froze, narrowing her eyes.

"And who are you? Do you not realise what this dragon has done?"

The rift dragon grinned, "If you must know, I am Endral, and I see you are still keeping up the lie you told all these years."

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