Racing Dragons - 19Yrs BTA

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Eluvia sat still, eyes closed, wings slightly spread. Her creamy brown, nearly white, scales glinted softly in beams of sunlight streaking through clouds. The wind brushed softly over her snout, testing her, calling to her, like a friend eager for adventure. It was like a steady presence, wanting to carry her into the sky and dance as she twisted and moved. It was her closest friend and her most trusted companion. It would carry her to victory.

The roaring in the background grew louder as she opened her eyes. Flicking her tail with eagerness as she looked down the narrow passageway in front of her. Two dozen dragons readied themselves around her. Each a formidable and worthy opponent. Many had the same creamy brown colour as she did, the symbol of a wind dragon, but there were several that had a searing icy blue colour. Rare was the ice dragon that could match a wind dragon's speed and expertise in the sky, and these ice dragons were the best of the best.

Surrounding the group was a large range of icy mountains, which seated crowds of dragons in the millions. Their roaring and cheering drowned out all other sounds, sending a cacophony of echoes through the mountain range. Most were also wind and ice dragons, each trying to yell over the other, calling for their favourites to win. Eluvia heard her name cheered several times, and she couldn't help but feel the pride rise in her chest, looking at the crowd. There was the odd different colour within the crowd. The occasional reds and yellows of fire and lighting, the green and silver of earth and metal. She even spotted a group of pitch-black shadow dragons.

Such was this event. A once in a century opportunity to win the race of a lifetime. Eluvia had been training her entire life to be placed in this position, having gone from one of the dreaming hatchlings in the crowd of the previous race, to here now, as one of the favourites. She could see it now. The screams as she passed through the finish line. She shook herself out, getting up onto all fours, spreading her wings as she once again turned her vision toward the start of the race. A long narrow cleft between two large mountains, barely wide enough to fit the wingspan of two dragons.

"Ready to be pummelled Luvy?" a cold presence to her right caused her to turn to the ice dragon next to her.

There was a smirk on his snout, and an odd cold aura radiated from him. His icy scales glittered with near unnatural brilliance, and his piercing yellow eyes held a deep power. Eluvia could even see the ice slowly forming below the drake as he turned to look down the narrow cleft in front of them.

"The only reason you beat me last time was because you flung another dragon in front of me," snorted the dragoness, "I'm not gonna let you get away with that this time."

His eyes sparkled with amusement, "Oh, we'll just have to see."

"You're going down once and for all Cesyl," she narrowed her eyes.

"I guess this is the tiebreaker isn't it," he grinned, "And what a race to have it in."

She couldn't help but smile back, "And our legendary rivalry will finally be decided."

"May the best dragon win," he replied, taking a step back and refocusing himself as a large horn blasted from one of the mountains.

Eluvia took another deep breath, hopping back and forth and flapping her wings to get her blood pumping. She ignored the growing excited anxiety growing in her stomach. She blocked out the roaring crowd. The second horn blasted, this one louder. The crowd went silent now, each dragon waiting with anticipation for the beginning of the race. Eluvia went still, crouching and gripping her claws into the stone ground beneath her feet, wings spread and at the ready. The final horn blared, a screaming sound, and Eluvia launched herself forward with a gigantic flap of her wings.

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