Love and Duty - 15Yrs BTA

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Ember studied her reflection with curious trepidation. It was slightly strange for the dragoness, to see such a detailed reflection of herself. The idea that the dragon staring back at her was a perfect replica of herself was slightly difficult to believe. The ruby-red scales that adorned her body were shined and polished to a point she never had done before, creating a sparkling sheen that felt almost unnatural. Golden lace adorned her outstretched wings, the loops wound around her to make sure they stay put. Apparently, she could fly with such decoration, assuming she didn't try anything too strenuous. A golden ring was also placed around her left horn, close to the base. It was the most she allowed them to put on her, the bare minimum to appease the customs of her new nation.

A sigh escaped her as the anxious bubble in her stomach seemed to rise out of nowhere. She didn't know how to feel. Part of her wanted to through all the decorations off and flee into the night sky. While the other part of her knew that this was a necessary sacrifice. For the sake of her own nation, and for the battle they would have to fight.

"Don't sigh Ember, you look beautiful," a hand touched her flank.

The dragoness looked down and smiled at the human woman beside her, "Thanks, auntie Ana. That's not exactly what I am feeling anxious about, however."

Anastasia, her caretaker and partial mother, nodded in understanding, "I did not realise dragons did this sort of thing."

"Light dragons are a strange species," Ember replied, looking back at the mirror, "They have such ceremony for something that is meant to be a private moment between two who love each other, and want to spend the rest of their life together."

"Hey, we humans do it too," Anastasia said with a raised eyebrow.

"That just makes it weirder. I wouldn't think that light dragons of all creatures would adopt human customs."

The human laughed, "Being here has made me think that light dragons are more like us than any other species."

"I definitely agree. Though don't tell them that," Ember chuckled, taking a moment to glance around their chamber.

White marble walls surrounded her, stretching high above her head. Windows of stained glass allowed for the muted silver light of the full moon to shine down into the chamber, making the entire place glow like an ethereal palace. It was so different from the dark black stone of Ember's home. And she liked it. There weren't any clouds in the sky, nor was the ground burned and black. While the fire nation's castle was definitely stronger, robust, and intimidating, the light dragon's palace was the complete opposite. Beautiful, towering, and grand. Made to inspire awe rather than fear. She liked that.

"You know, you can still pull out of this if you want to. You can still change your mind," Anastasia said, "Your mother won't hold it against you."

"I know," the dragoness shuffled her wings slightly, "She's made it abundantly clear I can pull out if I wish... but I've already agreed. It wouldn't look good if I pulled out now. Besides... we need this alliance... and this seems to be the only way to achieve it."

"I know, but it frustrates me it does. Surely the King Lumiane could figure some other way to secure this alliance rather than forcing you to..." Anastasia let out a sigh, shaking her head, "At the very least it could have been your mother making this decision, not you."

"Mom doesn't want a mate. I do," Ember replied, "She questioned this as much as you are actually. And... well... Lumiane's reasoning was that bonds of blood were much stronger than any other contract. It would make it certain that mum wouldn't betray him."

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