Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Rosana finally finished unpacking her stuff and had set up her few books on the small shelves that lined the corners of her room.

Her mother gave her permission to roam around seeing as she was still a bit worried about her book that looked like it will break at a mere touch and had seen how much she needed a break. Her mother of all people knew that Rosana needed some alone time just to breathe and calm down sometimes.

Rosana smiled to herself and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she thought about her mother. She was the best.

Rosana was so immersed in her new surroundings that she forgot to keep track of how to get back to the apartment that when she finally came to, she already had no idea where she was.

She almost panicked until her eyes caught a sign on a street corner up ahead that read The Caffeinated Bookshop. Her eyes lit up and her worries of being lost evaporated into thin air, she found it!

Or did it find her?

Rosana laughed at the mysterious voice she used in her head to say those words. She sure cracked herself up sometimes.

Rosana speed walked to the store and all the while hoped that they would have second-hand books. There was no way she could afford brand new ones. With a happy sigh, she stepped into the store and the smell of books and coffee made her lungs expand and relax in her chest and her eyes probably had cartooned stars in them as she looked around mesmerized.

Her eyes found a wall deep into the store that had the words 'Second-hand books' on it above five shelves that were labeled for each genre.

Yes! Rosana almost did something very uncharacteristic of her, and that was to scream in delight and fist bump the air. But, just last minute, she composed herself with a small clearing of her throat and relaxing her muscles.

And just like that, she was fine with moving here if there was a bookstore here that looked like a Book Heaven if there ever was one. The place felt so homey and it smelled like coffee!

This was a double, no, triple, no, quadruple win!


Johnny laughed at something Dutch told him, Bobby, Jimmy, and Tommy about this girl who went all crazy and tried to tie him down to cut his hair off.

"Are you sure she didn't chop any off? Your hair looks worse than a porcupines ass." Tommy said before he threw his head back and laughed when Dutch slugged him half-heartedly on the shoulder, "Screw you, man."

"Nah, thanks, Dutch but I got enough girls lining up to do me. I am not that desperate... but if I was," Tommy added a wink at the end for good measure to get a rise from the short-tempered boy.

"I am going to kill you!" Dutch turned unnaturally red but humour shone in his eyes as he chased Tommy down the street.

Johnny, Bobby, and Tommy jogged after them and laughed as they joked around with each other.

"I have no idea where they get the energy to still be running. I feel like my legs are going to fall off."

Johnny nodded, agreeing with Tommy. He was beat. Their Sensei worked them extra hard today during their karate session because one of the many students lost concentration and laughed about something and it ended with everyone being punished for it.

Johnny wasn't angry about or his friends. In their dojo, Cobra Kai, if one of them did something, they all had each other's backs. One of them gets in trouble, all of them get in trouble. They learned what true friendship was in Cobra Kai besides when they had to fight one another, that was when there was no such thing as friendship or 'Cobra Kai for life' thing.

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