Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Rosana ties her bike against the same pole as her brother's; outside of the restaurant their mother was having a business meeting. She ignores Daniel's small glare at her before he signals to their mother through the glass of the restaurant that he (they) are going across the road to the karate dojo that was there.

Their mother taps her wrist and circles her finger as if saying to make quick and that she doesn't have much time.

Daniel nods and jogs over the road, Rosana right behind him.

Rosana took one look at the top of the Karate Dojo and saw the familiar cobra on it. The exact one that the boys have on their sweatshirts, hoodies, and leather bomber jackets, and knew that Daniel was not going to like that the boys are part of that dojo; especially seeing as he was interested in joining a real karate school lately.

She didn't say anything or tried to stop him because she knew that he would just ignore her just like he has been doing all day and right through their ride beside when he told her to leave him alone and stop following him.

Yeah, not happening. After Johnny's threat to make Daniel pay for making her cry; she is going to stay by Danny's side to make sure he's okay.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?" Rosana and Daniel hear a loud, firm, and strict voice yell with controlled emotion, as they enter the dojo.

"No, Sensei!" Many voices yell back in complete synch.

"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei!"

Both twins look around curiously at the war memorabilia and trophies lining the entrance and sides of the walls while the stern voiced man repeat those three lines after each other again and again, receiving the same answers back from his students.

John Kreese, Rosana read under a picture of a man in a war uniform with a gun in his hand. There were already two people observing the class so the two of them thought that it would be okay to watch as well.

Rosana stood beside Daniel as he sits and watches, his eyes filled with awe, curiosity, and interest while Rosana's eyes squinted at the teacher's methods. It was certainly... interesting. She has read somewhere that the more you hear something, the more you tell yourself it, the more or each time you will believe it. He is practically retraining their thinking. And she has to admit that the students' discipline is admirable.

"Prepare! Ayets!" The man (sensei) in a black sleeveless gi yelled, making all of the sitting students get to their feet at his command.

"What is our way?!" The Sensei asked.

"Strike first! Strike hard! No mercy!" The students yell back.

"I can't hear you!"

They repeat it again, only twice as loud as the last time.

Rosana watched as the man walked in between the students. His eyes were cold, tight, guarded, and has a face that looked as hard as granite. The predator gleam in his eyes gave her chills and she felt unsettled by it. She already didn't like him but she must say that his methods might be grueling but he achieved disciplined students.

"Mr. Lawrence!" The Sensei barked.

Then Rosana heard a familiar voice answer back, "Yes, Sensei!" His voice might be familiar but she has never heard that tone before. It was filled with respect, discipline, tight control, and no question in his voice and no space to doubt the thick confidence in it.

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