Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Rosana looks over the hood of the car she was busy with to see Daniel was waxing on wrong.

"You're doing it wrong," she calls.

Rosana continues her waxing off and points with her eyes to it so he can see that it should be in a circular manner not in a scrubbing way.

Daniel only nods before he does as she gestured.

Rosana was jolted out of her washing off when she hears Daniel says, "Why did you help me last night, Rose?"

She pauses in her task, without looking at him, she turns and dips her sponge in the water before turning around to wash more dust and dirt off the car.

"What kind of question is that, Danny? We might not be on good terms but you will always be my little brother and it will always be my duty to protect you." Her stormy grey eyes lift to meet his baby browns and she smiles softly with a short shrug, "I will always be there for you when you need me, no matter what."

She continues with cleaning the car and hears Daniel do the same even as he spoke, "Then why did you choose them over me?"

She shakes her head, "I didn't really choose them, Danny. I chose you but you wanted nothing to do with me. You treated me as if I was disposable... as if I was nothing but an annoying pest."

"That's not true!"

Rosana sighs tiredly, she really wasn't in the mood for an argument, "It is true."

"Maybe... a little," he says with remorse in his tone, "I was angry at you, very. But, you are not disposable! Not to me. You have no idea how much I have missed you since we moved here. It's as if the second we got here, you were this person I didn't recognize and I didn't know how to react to that."

"So, you just pushed me away instead of getting to know the person I'm becoming?"

"You were hanging around with those assholes! People who bully me and beat the crap out of me when they feel like it. The Rosana I know does not condone bullying and she hates bullies."

This time Rosana lets out an angry sigh, "Tell me, Daniel, have Johnny and the others been leaving you alone since the bike incident?"

"Y-yes," he stutters as he thinks about it, "But, that was because—"

"Because you were staying clear of them?" Rosana scoffs, "No, Daniel. If they wanted to find you and 'beat the crap out of you when they felt like it' then they would have, no matter where you hid. They left you alone because I asked them to. But, you couldn't let it go, could you?"

Rosana knew full well that what happened last night was Daniel's fault as much as it was Johnny's. It was the reason why she was going to stay away from them for a little while. Although her brother provoked them, they took it entirely too far. She would have reacted the same way if it was any other person in Daniel's position but she was more upset because they weren't just beating up any poor defenseless boy, they were beating up her poor defenseless brother.

"Are you really taking their side?! After what they did, Rosana?"

"And you are so innocent, huh?"

"I fought back. I wanted them to know that I won't allow them to pick on me anymore. Is that so wrong?"

Rosana shakes her head slightly, "No, it's not but for one second, one second, did you think about how that would affect me?"

Daniel scoffs, "Oh, so everything should be about you?"

Rosana crushes the sponge in her hand, "You don't get it..."

"No! You don't get it!" He shouts at her, "Who are you, Rosana? Where the hell is my sister? The one that would rather spend her time reading than going out, who would stand by me no matter what, who told me everything, who always asked me before doing anything, who—"

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