Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Rosana had gotten up from bed earlier than her mother and Daniel to get to school because she didn't want them asking why she was wearing fingerless gloves (it wasn't her style) or why she wasn't riding her bike to school. She didn't want to lie to them more than what was necessary.

It wasn't like she could just tell her ma that her knuckles were bruised or tell Danny that she couldn't ride her bike because her entire body was still sore from being attacked and last night didn't make it any better.

Rosana flinched when she moved too quickly to get up when she heard her mother's door open and quickly looked in the mirror to see if the scarf around her neck looked casual and was covering everything it needed to.

"You're up early," Her mother said with a smile but with slight suspiciousness in her eyes when she saw her daughter was fully dressed and ready for school.

Rosana smiled back, "I wanted to get a head start."

"Without Daniel?"

Rosana tried not to panic, dammit, she should have left breakfast and just wrote a note before leaving, or else she wouldn't have been here for her mother's questioning.

Think, think, think, ah, got it!

"I'm meeting a friend who will be walking with me."

That was definitely the right thing to say because her mother's grey eyes sparkled and she smiled widely, "A guy friend?" She said in a suggestive tone. Her mother definitely meant it as a joke and her eyes widened when her daughter indirectly said yes.

Rosana rolled her eyes, "Not like that, Ma."

Oh, dear heavens, never mind. Worst idea ever. Now her mother was going to ask even more questions till she's satisfied. Just great.

Her mother only laughed, "Well, it doesn't matter. You finally made a friend. Was it at the party?"

"Yes," She lied as she picked up her bag and fought hard not to flinch. She turns her back to her mother so that she couldn't see the pain on her face as she carefully placed the bag on her shoulder. She turned around with a forced smile, trying not to grimace.

"Aaaand? What's he like?"

That was one of the things she loved and disliked about her mother. Her ma was always curious about her children's lives but in a good way that just made her children want to open up and spill everything to her. She was so fun and easy to talk to. But, the part she disliked, now, was that her mother's curiosity meant that she had to lie.

"Uhm, he's straightforward. Got a bit of a temper but you know he's sweet and gentle, kind of an asshole. He's funny and he has these beautiful blue eyes that I can't not stare into and his smile-" Rosana blushed madly when she realised that she wasn't actually lying, she was describing... Johnny.

"Oh?" Her mother asked pleasantly, her excitement obvious, "Is he handsome?" Her mother completely abandoned her work of making breakfast, highly intrigued to know more about the boy who was finally making her daughter seem like a normal girl. Not that she didn't love her daughter the way she was, but she knew that Rosana wasn't entirely happy. Until she saw the way her eyes had lit up as she went from smiling, to scowling, to smiling again, to sneering when she said 'asshole' to completely smitten as she described this 'friend' of hers.

"Ma!" Rosana screeched in embarrassment before giving her mother a quick kiss on the cheek, and practically ran to the door as fast as she could.

"Oh, come on, Rose! Tell me, please?"

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