Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Rosana lets out a small laugh at something Mr. Miyagi said as she stands beside him with her legs slightly apart, her eyes closed and her palms were facing each other in a vertical position away from her chest.

"Focus." Mr. Miyagi reprimanded, making her roll her eyes before she closed them again and exclaimed, "You m-made me laugh!"

She hears Mr. Miyagi chuckle softly before hearing the sounds of the little snips of the scissors as he cuts at the small Bonsai tree.

She takes a deep breath in and clears her mind.

"Lift elbows."

Rosana didn't say anything as she adjusted her elbows and straightened her hands and took a deep breath through her nose and out of her mouth.

She wasn't going to question Mr. Miyagi as to how doing this was going to help her be able to heal or soothe bruises with her hands because he knows better. And it is teaching her patience, she definitely needs that.

She takes in a deep breath and listened to the night and her surroundings just like Mr. Miyagi taught her before taking every little snip, every little chirp of a cricket, every wind, every rustle of leaves, every soft chime of the wooden sticks by the door and even to the sound of Mr. Miyagi's breathing inside of her and tried to become one with it while keeping her inner peace.

Rosana twitches slightly when she hears the sound of footsteps breaking through her concentration, making her sigh with irritation. Dammit! She lost concentration.

"Start again."

"How l-long this time?"

"Better than before. Ten minutes."

Rosana releases another breath and shakes out her hands and arms from the strain of keeping it in that position for so long. Ten minutes was progress. Last time it was eight minutes.

"If hands get tired, do this." Mr. Miyagi turns to face her, stands up, and puts his arms and legs in the position she had it before moving his right hand, his palm out and fingers still straight, and lifted it over his head in a perfect half circle and brings it back to the front of his chest. He does the same thing with his left.

Rosana mimics what he did with her right hand.

"Do again."

She does it another time and then he moves her arm himself, "Must be strong. Controlled. Be one with body as one with mind."

Mr. Miyagi nods when she does it right the next time, "Good, Rose-san. Chin up. Remember—"

"Body and mind must be one." She repeats the words he has been saying to her since they started and says it seriously but mimics his accent.

Rosana cracks a smile when Mr. Miyagi lets out a small laugh at hearing that, "Cheeky, you, Rose-san."

Mr. Miyagi goes back to his trees and she was getting in position when the footsteps that had broken her concentration came close to the see-through netted door before the person knocked.

Rosana doesn't break from her position but inclines her head to see... she rolls her eyes, Daniel.

"Hey, did you fix my bike?"

Rosana grits her teeth and tries to clear her head as she takes in a deep breath.

"Aye," Mr. Miyagi says.

"Thank you!" He says gratefully.


"I really appreciate that... Are those real trees?"

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