Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"So, are you going to tell me?" Daniel asks with a teasing smile on his lips as they drove side by side home after their stop at the bookstore; making them go home a little later than expected.

"Tell you what?" Rosana asks lightly, confused at what he was referring to.

"I may not like that jackass Johnny and his friends but I'm curious. About what you have been up to these past few days. How come you became friends with them of all people. You... you haven't been sharing with me lately."

Rosana bites her lip in thought, "Do you blame me?"

"I, uh, I guess not," Daniel mutters guiltily.

There was a pregnant silence between the twins for the first time since they began talking again.

Rosana breaks the silence as she talks while peddling next to Daniel, "The first day we moved here had been hard for me... but then I met the boys on my way home from the bookstore." Rosana leaves out how they met exactly. She shakes her head. She wasn't going to allow the dark thoughts to invade her mind.

Rosana chuckles, "Dutch, the most ill-tempered of them all, made me laugh when he flirted with me. Tommy is definitely the most childish and mischievous one because he likes stirring up trouble. Jimmy is quieter than the others but he is just as much trouble as they are while Bobby is the one who is the common sense of the group. Johnny... I know he has been a jerk to you—"

Rosana laughs when Daniel rolls his eyes, "Ya think?"

"Yeah, yeah but he has been nice to me. So have the others. They make me feel like I belong. They give me a reason to want to have friends."

Daniel sighs, pushing away his anger and frustration. His sister was trying to mend their bond, he would too, as much as he can. "They must be really something if you speak well of them. Not to mention, they made you break your 'friend's virginity' again." He really wished that it was anyone else but he would be lying if he said a small part of him didn't completely hate that his sister had friends and was beginning to come out of her shell with someone that's not him or their mother. But, still, the biggest part of him disliked it greatly.

"My... what?!" Rosana was taken aback by his words and lets out a laugh at his ridiculous phrasing.

Daniel laughs as well, "Yeah, you know because you were practically a virgin of not having friends and—"

"I get it!"

They were both laughing at this point before it melted away to contended happy smiles at finally being okay with another.

"You know..."

Rosana hummed to show that she was listening as they drove.

"I don't remember much from that night on the beach but I do remember Johnny listening to you instead of Ali... and the guys looked as if they were going to help me... just for you."

Rosana takes a deep breath in before releasing it again. For a second she thought that he was going to bring up how she fell on one knee and question her about it.

"Yeah," she lets out.

Daniel looks at Rosana briefly before looking back in front of him as they both drove back in comfortable silence.

Daniel had thought that maybe they were using Rosana but just like he told her, he had seen them that night. He had seen the worry on their faces for her —through half-lidded eyes. They were reluctant to leave. For these past few days, he had thought that maybe they were using his sister to make him angry or for their own selfish crap but those short snippets of memory made him second guess. And how they were always around her at school, not in a bad way but as if they were her friends and bodyguards... but why?

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