Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Johnny lifts one ear of his Walkman headphones when he sees Dutch look over the door into the toilet stall he was in.

"Got the number rolled yet, man?"

"In a minute," Johnny says.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get the guys and Firebird."


"Hurry up!" Dutch says before he turns around.

"And make sure Oliver isn't around Anna till I get there," Johnny says with mild annoyance and puts his headphones back on before sitting on the closed toilet pot and continued to roll a few weed sticks.

Anna was going to kill them when she finds out about the weed. Johnny thinks with a soft smile on his lips as he thinks about her.

She had laughed when saw them in their skeleton costumes or pajamas as she calls them. The guys had been mildly enraged when she didn't have her skeleton costume on as well and when she tried to argue about it with Johnny, he had told her that they were a group so they should go with the same costumes. This time she didn't fight him, just got a small smirk on her face before she raised her brow at them and went to go change.

The second Johnny saw her in it, his mouth went dry and his eyes probably bugged out of his head. Fuck, no! She was not going to wear that in public. Johnny had to throw her over his shoulder to take her back into her room because she was adamant about wearing it for the party.

Johnny didn't like the lustful gazes or jokes she got from the boys and had practically growled at them to cut it out. But, if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't be smiling like a complete idiot right now because Rosana was finally his.


"What do you guys think?" Rosana posed with a hand on her hip and the other waving through her hair.

"Holy shit!" Dutch cursed.

Tommy spat out his drink before coughing as he choked on it.

Jimmy whistled, "You look sexy as hell, Firebird. The boys will be drooling over you."

Bobby's jaw had dropped and a blush appeared on his cheek. He had to hold in his chuckle when he saw how red Johnny was. He was vibrating with anger and he looked ready to explode.

"Turn around," Dutch says, eager to see her behind because the costume hugged and moulded every curve and swell of her body from the front, the back has to be smoking hot.

"Enough!" Johnny slammed his fist against the table, making Rosana giggle. It was a good thing that neither her mom nor Daniel was home.

Rosana twirls a strand of hair around her finger innocently, "Perfect, right? N-Now, come on, let me do the face paints and then we can leave. I wonder if Oliver will like—"

That was the last straw. Johnny threw her over his shoulder and she burst out laughing as he carried her to her room to change into that beautiful Egypt getup she had on.

Johnny kicks the door closed and puts her down on her feet.

"You care what Oliver thinks?" Johnny hated the hurt and jealousy that raged inside of him. He has always been the jealous and territorial type, even with Ali but with Rosana, it went to levels he never thought existed. Instead of just feeling jealousy, he felt fear as well. He never felt that with Ali...

He was scared to lose Rosana. To lose her to someone else. To see that she can be happier with someone that wasn't him. To know that she would grace another with that beautiful smile of hers or use her lips to tease some other guy's neck the way she had with him. The thought of her not wanting to be with him or the guys, did something terrible to his insides. She fit perfectly with all of them. She fits like a puzzle piece against his back when she rides with him on his bike and wraps her arms around his waist with her front smashed against his back and her face pressed against it as well while her lips are always close to his neck or ear.

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