Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

He didn't want to stand out here and speak to a damn door or let Daniel hear him.

So, he puts his hand on the handle and pushes it down to hear a click that sounded so good to his ears. She forgot to lock the door.

Johnny steps into her room and closes the door with a soft click before walking to her bed where she turns her back to him as she curls into herself, "J-Just leave. I d-d-don't need your sympathy or your pity."

Johnny knew Rosana well enough to know that he shouldn't leave because right now she was sad and hurt, but it's slowly going to turn into anger and when it does, he will be the one to get burnt; which he deserves no doubt.

Johnny doesn't think as he kicks off his shoes and gets into the space behind her and wraps his arms around her form.

She immediately struggles against him but he only holds onto her tighter as he whispers in her ear, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Anna. I shouldn't have said that. It was stupid. You are my girl. You've been mine the moment—"

"No, I-I'm not," she struggles some more, her movements sluggish and futile, "You 'don't have a girl' remember?" She spits out.

"If I knew that was what you thought then I wouldn't have told Oliver that I was with you, and I wouldn't have turned him down when he asked me to go out with him tonight." She said that to hurt him. She was obviously lying. It was true that he asked her out by she lied about what she would have done.

Johnny tenses at her words, that bastard try to make a move on her again? Then he processes what she said. He immediately felt jealousy course through him then he thought about what kind of girl Rosana was. She was loyal and worthy of his trust. And he did trust her. He didn't like thinking of her with Oliver but he knew that Rosana loves him. Or so he hopes she still does.

"You're lying," he whispers softly, "You wouldn't even if we didn't kiss that night. You wouldn't even if I didn't tell you I had feelings for you too. You wouldn't even if it was to hurt me. You wouldn't because that is just not you, Anna. It's the reason why you allow so few people close to you because once you start caring, not only can you not stop, you care unconditionally, fully, and with so much passion. It is one of the things I love about you. The other reason why you wouldn't go out with that asshole is because you love me. Just like I wouldn't go out with another girl because I love you, Anna. More than I have ever felt before."

Rosana had stopped struggling and her tears began to slow as Johnny's words and his beating heart against her back calmed her down.

Rosana slowly turns around in Johnny's arms that loosens slightly when she stops struggling. She wraps her arms around his neck and puts her face in the crook of his neck as she whispers, "Then why d-did you say something like that?"

Johnny nuzzles into her hair and inhales the soft scent of it that he loves so much, it was a mixture of flowers and chocolate, "Because I thought that when you questioned me that you were having second thoughts about us. That you didn't like me calling you that, that you didn't like being mine and I acted irrationally because I felt hurt over it, jealous that you might want to be with someone else, and angry. It was stupid of me."

He knew that he was acting like a pussy right now and Sensei would kick his ass for it. The boys would have laughed at him if it wasn't for the fact that they cared about Anna too. Nah, they will probably kick his ass if he didn't grovel to their favourite girl.

Rosana thinks about it and although she didn't want to forgive him so easily, Mr. Miyagi's words played in her head. If she doesn't forgive, it will always bother her.

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