Chapter 10

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[A/N: I decided to use the tv series Merlin as the book she is reading in this chapter seeing as there were many Arthurian books in the 1980's even if this version wasn't there yet.]

Chapter 10

Rosana begrudgingly sat down on the carpeted floor in a deaden part of the library with an apple, a sandwich, and a can of soda hidden behind her bag so that if the librarian happens to walk by, she wouldn't see her eating there.

All throughout the past three periods, Johnny has been ignoring her, unsurprisingly while Bobby and Jimmy gave her half-smiles as if unsure of what to do. If they should still talk to her or not. And Rosana knew or hoped, that if she pushed to talk to them that they would ignore Johnny's sharp glares and talk to her because Bobby tried to walk to her once but she shook her head at him when she saw Johnny glaring at Bobby for his actions. Dutch and Tommy weren't rude but they glared at her slightly.

What made her day still okay was the fact that the boys may not have been talking to her but they were never too far, well... minus Johnny that is.

And to put the icing on today's shitty cake, her brother ignored and glared at her as well and walked right past her with that blonde he was eye flirting with at the beach. All Rosana wanted to do was go home and curl into a ball until her problem solves itself.

Rosana grumpily opens the book where she last read and holds it up with her left hand while she picks up her apple with her right and takes a bite out of it before hiding it behind her bag again.

"'You've had your fun, my friend.'"

Rosana looks up to see who the thick male voice belongs to and although she wasn't one to be tongue-tied by a guy but dear Lord, he was good-looking.

She wasn't looking at him in a way one would if you're attracted to the guy but in a way one would look at a beautiful painting because holy cow he was really nice to look at. But, then his words slowly registered in her mind, making her grin slightly when she remembered the book she was reading. He was quoting the second sentence Merlin tells Arthur when they first meet.

"'D-Do I know you?'" She plays along by saying the line Arthur had said to Merlin in the novel.

"'Uh, I'm' Oliver—" In the novel, Merlin had said his own name but the boy Oliver twerked it to his.

"'So, I d-don't know you.'" She broke him off just like Arthur did to Merlin and tried to sound as snobbish as possible.


"'Yet, you called m-me friend.'"

And Rosana thought the situation and role-playing were humorous and a bit ironic because she really didn't know him. Much like Arthur and Merlin at this part of the novel.

"'That's my mistake.'"

"'Yes, I-I think so.'"

Both of them looked at each other seriously before he lets out a laugh that made his shoulders shake and a dimple pop out on the side of his cheek.

Rosana couldn't contain her own humour as she laughs softly with a shake of her head, making her honey brown curls bounce slightly.

"I would like to rectify my mistake. May I sit?" He asks politely, his laughter gone but it still remained in his emerald green eyes and his dimple didn't fade as he grinned at her.

"W-Would you be quoting more of Merlin if I said no?"

Oliver grins wider, "I want to say that I probably would but I'm afraid that you'll say no just so I do quote Merlin."

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