Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Rosana felt that familiar anger and hurt ebb away slightly as she feels Johnny's eyes on her. She liked that he was still wearing her headband even though they had a fight last night and she told him she wanted a break from him.

"I hear you jumped some of my students last night," Kreese says, his eyes trained solely on Mr. Miyagi.

Rosana didn't need to look at Daniel to know that he was nervous as fuck and after he murmured to Mr. Miyagi earlier that he wanted to leave; she had to hold back her scoff and called him a pussy in her head.

"Afraid the facts mixed up." Mr. Miyagi replied sternly with no expression on his face.

"Are you calling Mr. Lawrence a liar?"

"No calling no-one nothing."

"What are you here for, old man?"

Rosana finally meets Johnny's blue eyes and everything around them seem to have vanished and even the conversation between Sensei Kreese and Mr. Miyagi sounded like static noise in the background.

His eyes were filled with anger, helplessness, regret and she could tell from how tight his muscles were coiled that he was fighting the urge to come to her and she knew that if he did; she'd fight like hell to get away but deep down... she'd hope that he doesn't let her go and keep her in his arms.

"Do you like matching, Mr. Lawrence!"

Rosana and Johnny were broken out of their staring contest by his Sensei's loud booming stern voice and Anna wanted to breathe in relief when Johnny answered immediately; not giving away that he wasn't paying attention which would have lead to punishment and although Rosana was still a bit angry at him, she didn't want him to be punished in any physical way.

"Yes, Sensei!"

"Ah," Mr. Miyagi makes a negative sound, "No more fighting."

"This is a karate dojo! Not a knitting class!"

Rosana frowns when he looks directly at her, she grits her teeth at his sexist comment, "Oh? Could have fooled me with the way you were screeching like a woman." She gives him a mocking smile in her most innocent voice that was tinted with anger and rebelliousness.

Johnny had to hold himself back from letting out a laugh at that and from wanting to hide her away from Kreese's angry stare. Sensei Kreese was not a man to mess with but at the same time, his girl had balls while her brother stood there like a scared little pussy.

Kreese ignores her and looks back at Mr. Miyagi, "You don't come in my dojo and drop a challenge and leave, old man. You get your boy and girl on the mat or you and I will have a major problem."

Both Rosana and Johnny was stunned by Kreese mentioning her also fighting; what the hell did they miss?

Then Rosana understood when she clenched her hand and felt the bandage folds on her right hand; Kreese saw her bandaged hand and thought that she had the same problem as Daniel where the boys are concerned.

But, still, that didn't make sense because Kreese knew that she was friends with the boys seeing as she came to sit in and watch sometimes with a book in her hand. After the first class she sat in, Kreese came to talk to her. The fifth time she sat in, he had seen her writing in her notepad and questioned her about it. After the eighth time she sat in, he asked her to fight one of the brown belts in the class (Johnny had told her after the class that Kreese had heard him tell Bobby that he was going to be with her to train) and although she was nervous at first and had gotten a kick to the chest and fell on her ass; she had quickly rolled to the side when the guy pounced on her and then she swiped his leg from under him before snapping her fist back and letting it fly towards the boy's nose.

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