Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Daniel shakes his head, "I guess the real reason was that I was scared and jealous."

"About what?" She asks.

"The first day that we got here, that night, I came to your room and your door was locked. Rosana, you never lock your door," he gives her a pointed look, "When I asked to come in, you said that you were tired. That night I thought nothing of it until it happened the next night and the following night. And I sometimes heard you crying. For those two days, you were acting strange and were barely smiling, not even with Ma and me. I thought that eventually, you'll tell me what's wrong but then I saw you with Johnny and others... and you were smiling and laughing. I was glad to see it but it made me angry. I may be slow sometimes, Rose, but I'm not stupid."

He looks intendedly at the side of her face but Rosana says nothing and tries to keep her breathing even as he brings up that day.

"Whatever that was bothering you, they knew about it. They knew. It made me furious that you would tell them, trust them, when I am your brother, you twin, we were each other's first friend before anyone else came along. We never kept secrets from each other. I thought that eventually, you'll tell me, maybe I should give you time, but then the bike incident happened, you began hanging out with them more, and then you began changing. I saw that you didn't need me and I got so scared. Scared and furious that I was losing my best friend and I only ended up pushing you more away."

Rosana feels tears well up in her eyes when she hears Daniel sniffles slightly.

"You began dressing differently, not in a bad way but in a way that wasn't you. You speak more. You barely home and if you are that's when you do your schoolwork or have dinner with us. You started driving a motorbike. You have this social life that I'm not apart of. I want to be happy for you, Rose, I do but I was so used to always having you by my side. If I looked next to me, you were there, and if you're not there then you are at least around me where I can see you. I am so used to having you all to myself. I got scared when you started having friends because I thought that you wouldn't have time for me and instead of waiting to test that theory-"

"You rather pushed me away first before I could hurt you if I did do that?"

"Yeah... but I hurt myself anyway and I hurt you in the process."

Daniel takes Rosana's right hand and clasps hers with his, holding on firmly, "I am so sorry, Rose. Can you forgive me?"

A tear slips down her cheek and a small sob leaves her lips. She pulls her hand away from his and wipes away the tears before shifting gears.

Daniel felt dejected when Rosana pulled her hand away but he let out a relieved breath when he feels the warmth of her smooth hand in his again.

"Of course, I forgive you, you idiot." She smiles tearfully.

"I've missed you, Ro." He used to call her that when they were younger.

"I've missed you too, Neil."

They gave a small chuckle, glad to be okay with one another and laughing at the ridiculous names they gave each other when they were young. They don't use it as often as they once did but only when it's moments like this.

"Danny, I have a few conditions on this."

Daniel groans, "Oh, come on, Rose! If you're asking me to be okay with those assholes, no way!"

Rosana rolls her eyes, "They are my friends, Daniel. All I ask is for you to be civil with them."

"Oh, like they were last night? Yeah, they were so civil, weren't they." He says sarcastically.

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