Chapter 3

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One minute she was fierce and ready to fight the next she was witty then she was widening her eyes and blushing then the next she was curling into herself innocently.

Johnny couldn't help it, he was intrigued.

"Idiot," Jimmy slapped Dutch on the back of his head making Dutch shove him away playfully.

Johnny looked at the girl whose eyes were bright and gone were the tears but he still could see that she was in pain, just momentarily forgot it. And for some reason, he didn't like that her attention wasn't on him.

"I'm Johnny." He said, and pointed to each of his friends, "That's Jimmy, Bobby, Tommy and the wounded one is Dutch."

The girl ran her hands through her honey brown-red locks and said softly, "I'm Rosana but everyone calls me Rose."


"Well, Rose, that was one hell of a way you swung that book. Good timing and nice kick." The one Johnny said was Jimmy complimented her.

Rosana could barely keep her eyes off the blonde with the most beautiful blue eyes she has ever seen. His white headband was around his head, his blonde locks covering the front except the sides. His red t-shirt with a cobra on the right top corner and it fitted perfectly to his frame. And he was at least a foot taller than her and his smile... was breathtaking.

She was such an idiot. After she lost herself in a book for almost two hours she realized that her mother was expecting her back before sunset. And she had to leave immediately because she was already lost, it would take her a lot of time to get back. For the first time, seeing as she didn't have Danny with her, she asked for directions and of course, she had to ask guys who tried to grope and possibly rape her.

And then these five came and saved her.

She was thankful to them. As she watched them fight, she had to admire their teamwork, how they alternated between the guys if either of them had gotten a hard hit they couldn't get back up fast enough, although Johnny who she guessed was their leader, stayed beating the crap out of the guy who was had his hand under her shirt and the other wrapped around her neck when Johnny had pulled him off.

And for some reason, not even one fibre in her, was scared of Johnny even when she noticed the consequences of his anger. Especially when he put his hoodie on for her. He was gentle and considerate to her injuries and even his friends who flirted and joked around like idiots and not at all fazed by the fight didn't scare her.

No, they made her speak her mind —yes it was one sentence but that was more than enough— and heavens forbid, they made her giggle. She, giggle at something done by someone, not her brother, mother, or even cousins.

They didn't scare her because not only did they just save her, they were trying to cheer her up and if they wanted to try anything, they could have done it already or helped the guys who did but from the way Johnny reacted, she doubted any of them would get away with it even if they tried, friend or not. Whatever made him so angry, it wasn't just because the guy attacked her.

"Uh, uhm, thanks." She looked to Johnny, "Your roundhouse kick, it-it was awesome."

Rosana couldn't help but laugh when Jimmy said, "Wow, get punched for a pretty girl and yet get overshadowed by Mr. Anger Issues. Oh, the life of a  young man."

"Well, if it makes y-you feel better, you did take that hit b-better than my grandma."

The guys laughed at her teasing comment and Johnny knew that he wasn't the only one who liked the shy-witty-fierce-soft-innocent girl. She made them all laugh and not at her, but with her.

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