Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Rosana sighs as she walks out of the apartment after a goodbye to her mother and closes the door behind her.

It seems that Daniel was still angry at her for being friends with Johnny and the others. He refused to even look at her this morning, much less talk to her when she had asked him if he wanted to go with her to school.

She knew that their mother was going to interrogate him on why he was ignoring her and she didn't want to stay around for that, not when her heart hurt from being ignored by her twin.

He had never been this angry with her before where he'd pretend she wasn't even in the room. She knew where he was coming from, she understood, but why couldn't he also understand her side of this as well?

Was she being selfish for wanting friends, for wanting to not be in Daniel's shadow all the time, for wanting something that was just hers? Was she betraying her brother? Had she chosen without thought between Johnny —the guys— and Daniel? Did she really want to throw her other half away just because she was too lonely inside of her little shell? Her other half that was always there for her no matter what...

Rosana's head was filled with all these questions and no answers and a heart with warring emotions as she sullenly walks out of the wooden gate. And she definitely walked, not limped. Her bruises felt so much better this morning. Still sore to the touch but it didn't affect her movements as bad as before. But unfortunately, she still couldn't drive her bike. Maybe tomorrow she could.



"Hey, Anna! Want a ride to school?"

Rosana's sad eyes lifted from the ground as she turned to see the boys on the corner of her street with their motorbikes, grinning and smirking wildly at her.

Rosana's lips tilted a small bit up into a smile at the sight of them waiting for her while Johnny was leaning against his bike with her helmet in his hand.

But, then her smile dropped as she recalled what had happened between her and Daniel.

A part of her was happy that they were waiting for her; that they came to surprise her by giving her a lift to school; it was a small gesture but she appreciated it while another part of her didn't want to see them right now because she needed time to think about what she wanted; what she needed.

"Hey, guys." She said weakly with a wave of her hand, forcing a smile as she greeted them.


Johnny frowned slightly when he saw Rosana turn to face them and greeted them with a forced smile and sadness in her eyes.

He thought that she would have been happy to see them after yesterday. She loved driving on a motorbike. He could still hear her laughter and her whoops over the wind echo in his ears and the feel of her arms tightening around his waist when she had yelled, "Go faster!" And the uninhibited sound of excitement that escaped her as he sped up was still tingling in his bones now.

When they had finally stopped, Johnny was ready or thought he was ready to hear her enthusiastic words but he wasn't. He wasn't ready to see her smile so wide her grey eyes came alive, he wasn't ready when she made something in his chest stir violently and brilliantly, and he sure as hell wasn't ready when she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her small little body against his as she thanked him. Any other time he would have smirked at the blushing and stammering she did when she parted from the hug, realizing what she had done, but he wanted that smile of hers back. He almost dragged her onto the bike again, just to get off and see the spring in her step and her breathtaking smile as she waved her arms about and raved about the drive and the turns and the jolt of adrenaline that had shot through her veins.

Changes || [Johnny Lawrence]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora