Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Rosana checked the clock and was surprised to see that it was half-past three already.

Damn. She thought that she would have been done earlier. She told Daniel that she'll stop by the beach before the sun sets just to get him off dragging her with him. And he'll come looking for her if she didn't get there. She has to be quick this.

Rosana quickly folds the material she was busy with and tucked it into her back pocket before she moved to the table. She covers the cake she had baked with a lid and made sure the sides clicked closed so that it wouldn't come loose when she walked.

Yesterday didn't go as well as she expected. Her mother definitely noticed her split lip and bruised cheek despite her effort to not let that side of her face show. And thankfully, both her Ma and Danny bought her excuse that she fell with a book in her hand and that's why there was blood on it.

She grew sullen at the thought of her two books that she had to throw away because of the blood on it. If it was just hers she would have still read it, but it wasn't her blood.

Johnny's hoodie would have been harder to explain so just before she went in she took his hoodie off. They didn't even notice it. She had finally gotten the blood out of it and would return it to him tomorrow at school. It was still wet at the moment.

Rosana quickly checked herself in the mirror and tied the silky scarf around her neck and made sure it didn't look suspicious. She does have foundation on it but she wasn't that experienced with make-up so the scarf was just a precaution. Last night she got off easy because it was dark and she didn't stay long with her mother and Daniel before she went to her room.

Plus, she covered it up because she didn't want people staring and asking unnecessary questions when she goes out. Especially Daniel.

Rosana patted her back pocket to make sure she had the material before she picked up the book Daniel got wet -which her mother found a way of drying it without breaking it- and tucked it under her armpit and lifted up the cake with the same hand. She clutched her pair of keys in her free hand, taking one last look in the mirror before she walked out of the apartment and locked the door and gate. She took a deep nervous breath as she started down the stairs.

I hope they'll like this and I'm not just making a fool of myself, she thought.

She was so anxious that her hands shook slightly but then she took a deep breath and then exhaled.

No backing out now.


Johnny, Jimmy, Tommy and Dutch stopped by Bobby's house after karate and they were picking up their bags to leave when Bobby's hot older sister shouted from the living room, "Bobby! Here's a girl for you!"

"Dude! Do you have a girl you didn't tell us about?" Jimmy asked.

"I have no idea who it could be, man." Bobby was just as surprised as they were. And like the curious idiots that they were, they practically ran and almost tripped over one another to get to the living room where they stopped short and bumped into each other's backs.

Johnny's breath momentarily caught in his throat at the sight in front of him. There stood the girl he couldn't stop thinking about all night.

"Uh, hey, uhm," Rosana waved while her other hand was playing with the hem of her checkered shirt, "I-I hope I didn't intrude. I didn't mean to show up unannounced but I didn't have either of your numbers to call and ask. So, I just-"

Johnny chuckled at Rosana's ranting. She sure does talk a lot when she's nervous, it was really cute.

"It's okay, Anna, what's up?"

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