Chapter 20

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It's been a while, let's check in....

How have things been going lately? Well, let's be honest they could be better. But not bad. Money has been a struggle for us lately, well ya know with me being the only one in the apartment with a steady job. So Nikki actually picked up a job at a liquor mart, the same one he routinely stole bottles of alcohol from. Funny right?

We all talked about the boys getting jobs, Vince whining about how he didn't want to go back to delivering Pizzas again, and Tommy being scared because he's never had a real job before. Tommy and Vince had always had their parents money to rely on, not that they had a lot. But enough to live on.

I couldn't say the same. I wasn't very close to my family anymore. I moved away from them right when I turned 18. I don't hate my family.... but they've never really supported me much. I'm not what they wanted me to be.

But enough of that sob story.

Today I started work early in the morning. I was fucking exhausted I think I need to go easy on the drinking and partying..... it's hard when you're living with the boys I'm living with. It's always party after party drugs and alcohol and hundreds of people dancing their little hearts out before they get too drunk and end up laying on the floor....

Due to all of the crazy nights we've been having lately, I had been missing work quite a bit... and not doing a great job when I did show up....

But let's look on the bright side, the boys album is coming out really soon and they're all really excited and so am I, there's a few more things to do but it's apparently almost ready for release.

I'm so excited for them, I really hope the album does well. Honestly I think it will considering how much the people at their shows in those clubs adore them. It's not just the girls who throw themselves at them either, everyone loves their music. You should see them all dancing and cheering when they play. It makes me so happy. I know these guys are gonna go places I can just feel it!

Hopefully I'd go places one day to...

God what if I have to live out the rest of my days as a maid....

November 5th 1981

Tonight is a big night. The album launch party. I had been helping the band plan it for a while now, they're gonna play some songs and try to stir up a big commotion to get the album more sales once it's released.

The boys had gotten all dressed up in their glamster outfits, hair as tall as ever, the stench of aquanet hairspray practically burning my nostrils every time I would walk past them.

We had arrived at the club that we had rented out for the night for the party, it wasn't too expensive considering the place was kind of a dump, but it's all we could afford and we could make it work.

I did most of the decorations, decking the place out it flyers and posters, some streamers to make the walls pop...

The band set up their instruments and sang a few songs on the small stage for practice. They sounded really good, I think the party is gonna go really well.

Once people starting showing up I went back stage with the boys and helped them with their make up, touching up Nikki's eyeliner, and putting a fresh coat of cherry red lipstick on Tommy.

I walked up behind Vince as he looked in the mirror and I fluffed up his crunchy hairsprayed hair a bit, he turned around and gave me a wink.

"You all set Mick?" I asked walking up to him as he sat, tuning his guitar.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now