Chapter 28

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Vinces POV:
I'm staring in the nearly empty fridge trying to find something to eat. Money's been so tight it's been mostly frozen hotdogs and canned tuna.

I see a big cup from a fast food place and swirl it around taking a sip. It was flat watery cola that all the ice melted into.

"EugHa- who's drink is this?" I say holding it up in the air.

"Mine! Gimmie!" Tommy responds holding his hands out.

I roll my eyes walking over to Tommy and handing him the drink, that's when I see Nikki get up and walk to the door.

"Nikki where the fuck are you going?" I ask.

"Nowhere." He responds with his head down, shoving his arm into his jacket.

I walk up to him grabbing his arm.

"Come on man you're the one who told us to leave her alone, if you try to talk to her she's just gonna get mad."

He shoves me off of him with so much force I could've fell to the ground.

"I just want to know where the fuck she is okay? This is L.A man, no woman should be walking out there alone at night with all those fucking creeps I just need to find her."

"Nik it's been like an hour she won't be far." Tommy sighs from the couch, leaning over to back of it to face us.

"Exactly she won't be far so I might have a chance of finding her if I leave now so if you idiots would leave me the fuck alone and let me go that would be ideal."

Not giving us a chance to answer he storms out the door slamming it loudly behind him.

I walk to the couch and sit down next to Tommy running my hands over my face.

"We fucked up." Tommy said leaning his head on the back of the couch, looking up at the ceiling before turning his head to look at me with a blank look.

"Sure did." I responded shortly, just tired and frustrated and needing something to feel better.

I lift my head having an idea. Walking to my room I start searching my drawers making a loud rustling sound.

"Fuck are you doing Vin?" Tommy shouts from the other room.

I walk back out with a smile wiggling a small baggy of coke in my hands. Tommy instantly perks up, sitting up straight with a smile.

"Now it's not a lot so don't fucking hog it." I say as I shuffle around the coffee table sitting next to Tommy and opening the bag.

"I'm only sharing because Nikki's not here and I know it doesn't take a lot to get your skinny ass fucked up." I say as I pour some of the powder out in two strips on the table, grabbing a playing card that was sitting on the table from the game of poker we played the other night.

"Ace. Hah." I say showing Tommy the card before cutting the coke in to two lines.

"You're not winning anything man." He mocks, picking his cup off the table about to take a sip.

I glare at him, grabbing the cup.

"You done with this?" I ask.


"Cool." I say grabbing the straw out of it and shaking off the extra liquid.

He turns to me with a look of shock.

"I hate you." He says jokingly.

"Hmmmm maybe I'll just have all of this to myself." I smirk leaning down toward the table.

"I'm just kidding I love you!!!" He says grabbing my face and trying to kiss me on the cheek, I turned in attempt to wiggle out if his grip and he ended up planting a big kiss right on my lips.

I push him away, wiping my mouth with my arm and looking at him with my brows knit together, but he just laughed.

"Don't ever do that again." I say putting my hand in front of his face.


I lean down and snort my line with the straw before handing it to Tommy letting him to the same.

"Woo!" He shouts as he lifts his head.

We stayed in the apartment just drinking, watching tv and snorting coke for the rest of that night waiting for Nikki to come home.

Nikkis POV:

I had looked everywhere for Y/N. I checked every place she liked to go.... It was no use. It had been hours and I hadn't seen any sign of her.
I don't even believe in god but I caught myself asking the fucker to protect her.
I just hope she's okay. I feel like keeping her safe is my responsibility. I know it's not.

She's a big girl. She's can handle things on her own... in fact she's a lot more responsible and let's face it a lot smarter than all of us. It's not her judgment that worries me. It's the freaks out here that can hurt her no matter what.

I know everything that can get weird out here, I've lived on the street before.... And seen things nobody should. I know I'm overreacting and she's probably safe but I don't think I'll be able to breathe properly until I know where she is.

But right now there's no sign of her anywhere. I make my way home, tears of frustration pricking my eyes as I desperately try to blink them away. I shove my cold hands in my pockets as I cross the street, muttering to myself.

"Please be okay..."

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz