Chapter 3

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Written by nikkisixxsforehead:
June 5, 1981
Tommy's POV

"Score!" I yell as inspect the empty pill packet in the trash can. I pull it out and further analyse it- I hit the motherfucking jackpot!

"What?" Vince yells from the living room and for now, I disregard the trash that I was supposed to take out and walk into the living room with the pill packet in my hand.

Nikki and Vince look at me expectantly as I stand before them with it, they both furrow their eyebrows confused and I chuck it at 'em, "Empty birth control packet." I say proudly.

"Maybe God is real." Nikki snatches it off Vince and they both smile.

"Wh- It's empty though." Nikki notes, though we're all well aware.

"So?" Vince and I say at the same time.

"So she doesn't have anymore." He says obviously.

"This shit isn't over the counter." I inform him. He probably thought he could pull that shit he did yesterday and restock for her. Whatever.

"I know." He rolls his eyes, "But she's not on them anymore."

"She's gonna get more." Vince shrugs and I nod, agreeing.

"How do we know that?"

I mean, why would she go off it now? "She's in a house with 3 dicks, of course she will."

Your POV

As I hold the door open with my foot, the paper bags full of groceries, is ripping under my hands and cans of pumpkin soup and spaghetti sauce fall to the floor, spilling everywhere, "Shit!" A little hand with the door would've been nice.

I mean, on the plus side, at least I didn't get it inside on the carpet.

"Check it out." Tommy grabs Nikki and Vince's attention at all the ruckus. Well, it wasn't only that... I still had my work uniform on. I was way too tired to take it off and I just wanted to do the grocery shopping and go home to my bed, so I left it on. Eventually they were going to see me in it.

Maybe it was a good thing, I looked horrible- and I was obviously having some kind of breakdown. Hopefully now they wouldn't fetishise so much over my stupid fucking uniform.

"Are you okay?" I look up when I hear Nikki. I didn't really expect him to ask me if I was okay, kinda thought they'd just laugh. Instead, Nikki holds open the door for me- I mean, I'd much rather prefer him to help clean up the tins but whatever, help was help.

"Fine." I mumble, but figure there's no point in building up all my feelings- I didn't exactly have a choice, it was kind of just a breakdown actually, "No, these Italian mob guys from New York got mad at me because their room wasn't ready, but it wasn't my fault, I was stuck in a fucking elevator by myself for 10 minutes- I thought I was gonna die." I rant, only stopping once to take a breath, "And I accidentally ran my cleaning cart into a table and the flower vase fell off and broke and they took it out of my paycheque." Thinking about how much I had to pay for that really made me breakdown, "It was like $150 for that fucking vase!"

Nikki pulls me inside the house, and away from the mess, "We'll clean it up." He rubs my shoulder assuringly.

Vince and Tommy soon join us once I've let everything out, "Have a nap." Vince gives me a tight lipped smile and I just nod, walking to my room and softly shutting the door.

Vince's POV

"Still hot." I whisper to the guys once I know Y/N can't hear me and only Tommy laughs.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now