Chapter 10

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Okay so I think this chapters really cool cause you get to see everyone's POV lmao hope you like it

Nikki's POV

Nikki? Are you okay honey?"
I stir, and flutter my eyes open with a light groan.
"What happened babe?"
My blurry vision suddenly clears.
Sitting on the side of my bed was Y/N.
Why was she calling me those names? Why were her soft, small hands gently caressing my head, delicate fingers running themselves through my hair in such a soothing way.

"W-what?" I stutter. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't process it.

"I'm asking if you're okay baby, you and Tommy got into a fight last night. What happened?"

Did she just call me baby?

I tried to open my mouth to answer but the words wouldn't come out.

I was too distracted by the entrancing eyes above me staring down into mine. She looked at me so lovingly. I felt as if my heart would beat out of my chest when her hand slid down and she ran her thumb gently across my bottom lip, I feel a light sting as she does it, telling me I must have gotten a cut there from fighting with Tommy. I remember what happened last night.

I was jealous.

Y/N seemed so Interested with Tommy. So why was she here calling me pet names and running her hands through my hair?

"Well um... it was... it was nothing I'd just... rather not talk about it." I manage to sputter our sounding like an absolute loser.

"That's okay baby."

My heart flutters at the name. What's going on???

She reaches behind her, then turns around again holding a damp cloth. She brings the warm fabric to my lip, wiping off the dried blood.

I wince at the light sting provided by the wet cloth against the wound, she notices my pain and rubs my forehead lovingly with her hand, then she leans down, lifting the cloth from my lip.

Her lips finally come into contact with mine.

Kissing her felt like heaven.

And I just wanted it to last forever.

But it didn't.

She got up again and looked into my eyes.

"I love you."

My heart felt like it would burst. I tried to tell her I love her too, I kept saying it. I kept trying. But it was all silence. Not a word would come out.

"Nikki?" She said with a confused look.



And that's when it all changed.

Y/Ns voice sounded angry now. And her warm hands weren't in my hair, but on my shoulders, shaking me awake from a dead sleep.

"Nikki wake up!!"

So it was all just a dream.....

I open my eyes and she her frustrated expression.

"What the fuck is wrong with you???!!??" She almost yells.

I squint my eyes, barley being able to see her over the sunlight coming through the windows.

"Huh?" I ask in a still half sleeping daze.

"I asked what the fuck is wrong with you!!!! I talked to Tommy when I got home last night about what happened.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now