Chapter 14

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Continuing where we left off on the last chapter ❤️

"I'm gonna go change out of my uniform." Y/N says still laughing a little, turning on her heel to walk to her room.

"Hey why not keep it on?" Tommy says looking towards her and giving her a wink while taking a bite of pizza.

"I fuckin hate you Tommy" she laughs walking out of the room.

"YOU KNOW YOU LOVE MEEEEEEE!!" he yells so she can hear him from down the hall.

"Only a little bit." She says peeking her head out from around the corner with a smile.

I scoff causing everyone to look at me. I quickly look down pretending nothing happened and they all look away, going back to what they were doing.

That was close.

"Tommy slow down you're gonna choke." Vince laughs as Tommy stuffs his face with Pizza.

"Why must we remind you to stop eating like an animal at every meal." I say rolling my eyes as I open one of the boxes grabbing some food for myself.

"I'm a big guy" Tommy replies.

"Tommy you weigh like a hundred and fifty pounds." Vince mocks.

"Hey that's not true I'm atleast 160."

Just then Y/N walks back into the room, now wearing black shorts and a T-shirt she had tied in the front to be a crop top, her hair pulled up into a messy bun.

"You better hurry before Tommy eats everything." I say as she walks in. She laughs, plopping herself down on the chair next to Tommy's, grabbing some pizza.

"So, how did that photo shoot go?" She asks.

"Pretty good actually, I think we got a few good pictures." Vince responds, Tommy and I nodding our heads in a agreement.

I notice her face flush as Vince starts talking. I wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face right fucking now. But I stop those thoughts. 'It's never gonna happen Sixx.' I think to myself and 'what about that girl you met? You don't need Y/N.'

"That's good. I can't wait to see them." She smiles taking a bite.

"Oh you will soon, were getting them printed on some flyers" Vince continues, smiling at Y/N in a way that I don't like one bit.
Shut up shut up shut up shut up
"Oh yeah you guys have that show coming up." She says with a smile.

"Yeah at the whisky, you're coming right?" I ask, pushing away my anger.

"Yeah definitely." She smiles brightly, and I return the smile forgetting about everything but the smile on her face.

August 8th 1981


I came home from work today to an empty house, the boys were most likely at the studio.
They've been working so hard on this album and I'm really happy for them. I'm so proud.

It was a Friday night and although the boys love their Saturday parties, most nights were also late nights for them and on Friday's I would never expect them home before 4 in the morning.

Knowing I had the night alone I set up a blanket and pillow on the sofa, I walked over to my bedroom to get into some more comfortable clothing, settling on a pair of silk pyjama shorts and a tank top, perfect for the hot apartment that had no air conditioning.

I tie my hair up and away from my face and pull a makeup wipe from atop my dresser, wiping off the makeup I'd had on my face since early this morning. I throw it away and make my way back to the living area, stopping in the kitchen first to grab a bottle of beer from the fridge and popping it open.

I make myself comfortable on the sofa and flick the the channels mindlessly as I hear the door unlock.

Surprised, I turn around to see who was walking in,


"Oh, hey Vinnie." I say, looking back at him and placing my beer on the coffee table as he shuts the door behind him.

"Hey." He replies with a sigh.

"You're home early for a Friday night." I say with a small laugh, a little upset I couldn't have my alone time.

"Yeah, Nikki and Tommy are on their way to a big party but... I guess I just wasn't feelin it tonight." He says softly in a tired voice. He looks worn out.
"You look tired." I say with a frown.

"Come relax with me." I offer with a small smile.

He smiles at that and slips off his jacket and boots, moving them aside and walking over to the couch and sitting down next to me.

I smile at him before looking back at the T.V and leaving it on some sit com I've never seen, but it looked funny. I feel him staring at me and turn my head to him.

"What?" I ask with a laugh.

"Nothing you just... look really hot like this." He states, giving me a seductive smile.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't start, blondie." I say, trying to hide the redness in my cheeks.

"Hey come on, we had fun the other night didn't we?"

I laugh a little, looking down at my lap.

"You definitely have the personality of a rockstar. You're going places Neil." I joke.

"Can one of those places be your-" he starts.

"Vince I beg you not to finish that sentence." I cut him off.

"I'll have you begging from something else..."

"Vince I swear to god." I laugh as I bring my hand up as if I'm about to hit him.

"Hey come on just jokes just jokes." He says covering his head with his arms to shield himself, laughing along with me.

I bring my hand back down to my lap still laughing.

"Can we just watch T.V in peace without your nasty jokes please?" I say.

"I can't promise anything." He smirks.

I jokingly roll my eyes and look back at the T.V.

But just about 5 minutes later I feel his hand on my thigh, which I accept. His hand slowly climbs higher and higher up my leg as time passes, and I shift uncomfortably, trying not to think about the fact that it was turning me on.

But he notices my movement and looks at me with a smirk.

"So... what happened the other night...." he begins and my breath hitches a little bit.

"Wanna do it again?" He winks.

And immediately I'm on his lap, crashing my lips into his, it's almost like I didn't even know I was doing it. God I never thought I would act like this, I was being so needy and horny and oh my lord this is my fucking roommate. But in the moment I didn't even care about the consequences.

All I cared about was kissing his soft lips, feeling his hands caress my hips and feeling the bulge in his pants against my inner thigh.

What the fuck am I doing with Vince? I have no idea if he feels anything for me or if this is just meaningless sex. But fuck...

Either way, I just can't seem to get enough.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now