Chapter 7

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June 10th 1981
I woke up on the sofa, a blanket on top of me (which I don't remember using) one of the boys just have covered me last night. I rub my eyes and prop myself up on my elbows. I look around the room to see it still clean. Thank god the boys didn't trash it again.
As I'm looking around I hear a small shift behind me.
I turn to see Nikki sitting on the other sofa.
He smiled at me.
"Morning" he said softly.
I noticed he was holding his bass lightly plucking at the strings.
"Oh morning Nikki." I replied
I looked over to the clock. It was only around 8 in the morning.
"What are you doing out here so early?" I ask, genuinely curious. The boys usually don't wake up until atleast noon.
"Oh, well um.... I actually stayed up all night out here." He replied with a small chuckle.
"Why?" I ask
"Well... just to.. keep you company you know? Make sure you're okay out here." He said softly, a small smile on his face.
I was taken aback by this. Why does Nikki care so much about me? I wouldn't take him or any of these boys as that type.
"Oh... thanks." I say with a smile.
"Yeah..." he smiles.
Today was a normal day at work, but as usual I was exhausted by the end of it. I was on my way home and was just praying that the boys hadn't made a complete mess of the apartment. I step out of my car after pulling into my parking space and make my way into the building.
I walk up the stairs, a bag holding my uniform and a small bag from the pharmacy holding a few new packs of my birth control pills in hand and walk up to the door, unlocking it and stepping inside to see the house is still clean.

"Hello?" I call out.
No answer
"Nikki? Tommy?? Vince?"
Nobody's home.
I let out a small sigh of relief. It's been a long day and having the place to myself sounded great. Also I didn't need any snarky comments about me having birth control in my hand. I go to my room, plopping my bags down onto my bed.
I take a pill from one of the new packages and set it on my dresser before grabbing a towel and heading to my bathroom to take a shower.
Cleaning all day sure had a way of making you feel disgusting.
I strip down and turn on the water, I feel it with my hand first to make sure it's the right temperature before stepping in, letting the warm water flow over my tense body. I feel my muscles relax after a long day and let out a sigh.
I wet my hair and begin to wash it with a floral scented shampoo, smiling at the scent.
A melody pops into my head and I begin to sing.
"I took my love, took it down, I climbed a mountain and I turned around."
I turned to wash my body and continued to sing.

Nikki's POV
We walk in the door after being at the studio all day recording shit for our first album. I'm so fuckin hyped about it. We're releasing a fucking album!! We were planning on going to a party tonight. That's the way we wind down around here, and ever since Y/N moved in we've decided to only trash other peoples houses and not our own so going to a party somewhere else sounded like a good idea.

It was around 7pm, and the party we were planning on crashing started around 9:30, so we had some time to kill.

"Hey Sixx, wanna beer?" I hear from the kitchen.

"Sure" Tommy throws a bottle my way and luckily I catch it.

"I'm gonna go change I stink." I announce as I sniff my sweaty shirt.
The others just nod and I walk down the hall towards my room, running my hands through my hair.
I walk into my bedroom, taking off my shirt and throwing it to the pile of dirty laundry in the corner of the room.
Just then, I hear a quiet voice....

"And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills....."

It was beautiful... it was Y/N

I slowly make my way out of my room, and towards Y/Ns

I walk in, and hear water running, accompanied by her voice singing softly.

" Well, I've been 'fraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you but time makes you bolder even children get older
And I'm gettin' older, too"

I slowly walk closer, and press my ear against her bathroom door to hear her more clearly.
I soon hear the water turn off and I jump back, walking backwards, I bump into her dresser and fall the floor, hitting my head on her bed frame.
"FUCK" I say quite loudly, responding to the pain, and bringing my hand to the back of my head.
I hear the door unlock and out walks Y/N wrapped in a towel, wet hair falling over her shoulders.



"What are you doing in here?? Are you okay?"
She asked sounding genuinely concerned now.

"Yeah I just uh... I was just- OW"
I start, as I try to get up but I'm interrupted by a pain shooting through my head and I sit back down.

"Woah" she starts as she rushes over to me.

"Stay there okay? I'm gonna get you some ice."
I do as she said, I stay in the same place, hand still on the back of my head.

She returns a minute later with an ice pack, wrapped in a paper towel in her hand and sits next to me, placing it on the back of my head.

I look at her as she caring for me. She's so beautiful, and so caring. So kind. She didn't have to help me, but she did.

She starts, snapping me out of my trance.

"What were you in here to tell me before you fell and smacked your head against my bed frame?" She laughed and I chuckled along lightly.

"I was just gonna ask if you wanna come to this party with us tonight. It's at one of our friends houses. It's gonna be really fun." I say, holding the ice on my aching head.

"Sure, sounds great."


(Same part but in the normal POV)

As I turn off the water I hear a crash in my room, scaring the shit out of me. But then I hear Nikkis voice insuring me it's not an intruder, but what the fuck is going on?

I say as I walk out into my bedroom, seeing Nikki with his hand on his head, clearly in pain, and slumped against my bed.

"What are you doing in here??? Are you okay?"
I ask, I was kind of mad he was in my room but I was genuinely concerned about him, he looked like he was hurt.

"Yeah I just uh... I was just- OW" he starts trying to stand up but sits back down after yelling in pain again.

I say making my way over to him to make sure he's okay.
"Stay there okay? I'm gonna get you some ice."
I say as I walk out into the living room, still wearing only a towel.
Tommy whistles at me as I walk over to the kitchen
"Fuck off Tommy."
"Woah" Vince says with a laugh as I grab an ice pack and a paper towel for Nikkis head.
I walk back to my room and place the ice gently on Nikkis head and sit down beside him.
Not really the time to think about it but I noticed he's shirtless... he's pretty toned.... not gonna lie... he's kinda hot.

I push away the thought and say something to fill the awkward silence.
I start.

"What were you in here to tell me before you fell and smacked your head against my bed frame?" I laughed, and he laughed along with me before responding.

"I was just gonna ask if you wanna come to this party with us tonight. It's at one of our friends houses. It's gonna be really fun." He says as he replaces my hand with his own on the ice pack.

"Sure, sounds fun." I respond with a smile.

A party actually sounds pretty good right now.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now