Chapter 18

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Mötley Crüe just played at the whisky, now we're at a party at some guys apartment. I appreciate that boys not throwing parties at our place for me. I mean I saw the aftermath of one of their parties before when I left for a couple days to spend some time with a friend and it was not pretty. After that they promised me the parties would stay at others houses.

The apartment was slightly larger than ours but it was definitely a wreck, the place was crowded with rockers, groupies and cocaine.

I admit I drank way to much. I was talking with Angie for a while, she kept trying to get me to talk to Vince and tell him how I felt but I insisted I needed a drink first. But one drink lead to another drink. And another... and another... and another.

It was getting pretty late, I had no idea where Tommy was, Mick went home, And Nikki already left with Angie. So the only person I could really talk to was Vince. He was on the other side of the room talking to some guys I didn't recognize. I would talk to him but I keep thinking about my feelings for him.

The thought of telling him made me so nervous I told myself I should get really drunk and then maybe I'd work up the nerve. But now here I am, wobbling on my heels, barley able to stand. I sit down on the dirty sofa next to a bunch of guys. They're all talking and one guy is cutting lines of white powder with credit card.

One of the men turns to me, he's pretty good looking, sharp facial features, deep brown eyes and long thick dark brown hair he pulls a dollar bill out of his leather jacket, rolling it into a tube.

"Hey pretty lady." He smirks.

"Want a bump?" He asks, still with a sly side smile on his face.

I think for a second, I've never tried coke before. But when I look up I see Vince standing across the room, he notices me and he gives me a smile, that's when I start to feel nervous again and decide I need something to calm my nerves.

I turn back to the dark haired man.

Fuck it.

"Okay." I smile.

He hands me the rolled up bill and gestures to one of the thin lines. I hold the bill tightly and bring it to my nose, leaning down and snorting the powder. Immediately it hurts. My nose tingles and I cough, numbness spreading throughout my nose and throat. He notices me coughing and laughs a bit, handing me a bottle of vodka that had been on the table next to him. I take a swig, feeling it burn my throat, it's not a pleasant feeling but it actually took away the burn the powder had caused.

I put the bottle back on the table and hand him the dollar bill. He leans down snorting one of the lines himself with no struggle like me, and then passes it on.

"First time?" He asks.

"Yeah." I Laugh.

"Well you're in for a fun night." He laughs.


It's only been about 10 minutes, I feel amazing. The loud music fills the apartment and I swear I can feel each note moving through my body.
My body is delightfully numb, and I was dancing with the dark haired man.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now