Chapter 21 (short)

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The party was going great, the audience was fucking loving the show. Angie and I danced in the audience with huge smiles on our faces. We took a few shots and returned to the dance floor delightfully buzzed, as more bodies filled the area.

Angies POV:

The show was going great, and right now Y/N and I were having the time of our lives. We all cheered and hollered as the band finished "Piece Of Your Action." One of my favourites.

Vince yelled into the microphone, introducing the next song, they were all clearly intoxicated, but not enough to hinder their preforming abilities in any way, it just made them... louder.

The next song was introduced. "Starry Eyes." A love song that Nikki had wrote.

They began to play and Y/N and I bobbed our heads to the music as Vince's booming voice came out softer than it usually does, which I could tell made Y/N's heart flutter, with the way she paused for a split second, cheeks flushing a light pink, making me chuckle.

She was practically drooling over Vince the entire night. I thought about how cute it would be if the two of them started dating.

Me and Nikki, and Vince and Y/N... we could go on double dates! It would be so cute.

There was one problem though.

Something was up with Nikki. I could just tell.
Today he seemed off, but I brushed it off as "pre show nerves"

But I started to wonder if it was more than that.
We haven't been together a long time, but I could tell when something was wrong because he wasn't acting like the same guy I had gotten to know. Just the way he spoke, the way he had been sometimes staring off in to space... it just seemed like his mind was occupied with something that I wasn't sure of.

I made a mental note to talk to him about it another day. Not today. Today was a big day for him and I didn't want to ruin the fun by trying to have a serious talk.

Ill ask him about it tomorrow. I just want to know what's on his mind. Somethings obviously bothering him.

My mind started to wander on that topic as o watched him on the stage. At first he was looking down at his bass, then looking at the crowd, eyes searching for someone. But they didn't land on me. He was looking at her.

I wouldn't have cared but his gaze stayed on y/n for quite a while... I wasn't angry.

But it stung.

I've noticed the way he looks at her.

Could it be?

I told myself I'm just tipsy. I'm blowing this way out of proportion.... he's probably not even looking at her and I'm just seeing things. I'm probably just feeling a little jealous cause the girls in the audience were all over him.

It's nothing.

"That was awesome!" I beamed as I walked up to the boys backstage.

"Fuck yeah!" Tommy yelled giving me a high five. Angie and I hugged all the boys congratulating them on their amazing show.

Nikki grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels from the small vanity where they had been doing their makeup and flicked the lid off.

"Now let's party!!" He announced.

We all threw our hands in the air cheering.

We passed the bottle around, all taking a swig before going out to where the rest of the people are.

People cheered as we walked out, you could hear booming voices shouting "MÖTLEY CRÜE!!!"

I laughed as we made our way to the dance floor. We spent the rest of that night dancing and drinking, the boys getting back up on stage a few times to talk about the album. We were having the time of our lives.

Short chapter. We're gonna do a little time skip next just to get things moving along! I know where I want this story to go I've just been having trouble figuring out the in between! Thanks for sticking around and supporting the story 💕

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz