Chapter 17

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September 5th 1981

Tonight the boys had a show at the Whisky a go-go. I was excited because I love live music in general, but seeing them on stage is incredible.
I was getting ready to go, music playing on the small radio on my desk, I moved my hips to the music as I was standing by the mirror, putting on a cute pair of sliver earrings.

I was also wearing a simple silver chain around my neck. I decided to wear something pretty classic, just a tight fitted black dress that cuts off at the shoulders, a poofy tool lining around the top almost making me look like a pretty, wrapped up Christmas present.

I laugh at that thought while I step back to look at myself. My hair perfectly teased, dress hugging me curves, makeup perfect, I think I look pretty damn good. I love dressing up nice sometimes.

I take one last look, fixing my hair and touching up my ruby red lips before grabbing a pair of black heels and walking out the door of my bedroom. As I walk out I see the boys all dressed up in their stage clothes.

Vince is wearing a red leather vest with matching pants and black high heeled boots, Tommy's wearing a white and black pants, a leather jacket and a black collar, and Nikki was wearing a red halter top, black leather pants and super high heel red boots that reached his mid thigh. Jeez I don't even think I could ever walk on those, but he looks just fine.

"Well I just walked into a room full of leather didn't I?" I joke

Nikki turns to me laughing, just then there's a knock at the door and I watch Nikki walk to get it, surprised he didn't fall in those shoes,

I see a girl walk in, her hair long, brown and curly, she's wearing a red dress about the same colour as Nikki's boots. I'd never seen her before. I notice how cute her silver sparkling heels are and compliment them in my head making me realize I'm still barefoot, shoes In hand.

I slip my shoes on as I walk farther into the room to see who she was, Nikki puts his arm around her waist, guiding her into the room.

"Guys this is Angie, my girlfriend." Nikki says with the biggest smile.

As I walk closer to where everyone was she notices me and she seems to look a little uneasy for a second, maybe finding it strange her boyfriend lives with another girl.
But Vince puts his arm around my shoulder and her expression softens back to a soft smile, probably assuming I'm Vince's girlfriend, which makes my face flush a little at the realization.

"Angie these are my roommates, Tommy, Vince and Y/N."

"Hi everyone." She smiles.

"I'm gonna go finish getting ready babe." Nikki says to her quickly before walking to his room.

I come closer to Angie and lift my hand to shake hers.

"It's great to meet you! I've heard a lot about you from Nikki!" I say with a smile.

She smiles wide at that.

"Really?? All good things I hope." She giggles.

"Oh of course!" I respond.

Vince and Tommy are now sitting at the table sipping a bottle of Jack Daniels that Nikki most likely stole from a liquor mart.

"Your dress is so cute by the way I love the tool! She says reaching to touch the fluffy part of my dress on my shoulder.

Tommy's POV
I'm sitting at the table leaned back into my chair, Vince sitting next to me with his legs crossed and feet on the table.
I take another swig from the bottle of Jack we had been sharing before I pass it back to Vince.

"Hey how hot would it be if they kissed right now." Vince says to me with a slight slur as we watched the girls talk, Angies hand on Y/Ns shoulder.

I laugh at that, smacking my hand down on Vince's shoulder as I stand up to walk to the kitchen.

"You are a sick, sick man Vinnie." I laugh.

"I know, he smirks laughing before taking another swig of whisky.

And I walk away I notice Vince still starting at the girls and I laugh.


Angie and I continued talking about fashion for a while, complimenting each other's outfits.
I asked her where she got her shoes that I so desperately wanted and she said they were from some cute little shop downtown.

"I've gotta take you there someday, we can get you a matching pair!" She says with an excited time.

"Oh that would be so fun!" I reply.

"Okay next Saturday I'm free I'll pick you up at 2 we're going shopping." She smiles.

"It's a date!" I laugh.

Angie is an absolute sweetheart! I'm so happy Nikki found her, and now I have a girlfriend to hangout with!

Angie moves her head to peek at something behind me.

"The blonde guy, your boyfriend?" She asks.

I blush, my eyes widening.

"Oh! No no," I laugh.

"That's um, that's V-Vince we're just friends." I reply, cursing myself for stuttering.

"Ooohhhhh...." she says with a smirk.

"I see what's going on here." She says.

"What? What do you mean?" I laugh trying to act like I don't know what she's talking about.

"Oh come on you blushed as soon as I pointed him out! You my dear have a crush." She says with a wide smile.

My eyes widen and I lean closer

"Shhh- he's gonna hear you-.."

"Oh so I was right." She laughs.

"Okay fine." I lean back, I was caught.

"Hey look if it makes you feel better any better I think he likes you too."

"Really??? Why do you think that?" I ask.

"Y/N he's been staring at you this whole time. I think you should go for it." She says.

I didn't say anything, just sat back trying to process what just happened. Maybe I should go for it. Maybe I should tell Vince how I really feel. I mean Angie doesn't know that Vince and I have been sleeping together, but if he was staring at me maybe he does feel the same way.... maybe I should tell him the truth. That I want to be more than just
"friends with benefits."

Then I hear a buzz at the door, and Nikki walks in yelling.


Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now