Chapter 15

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August 23rd 1981


Its a Sunday morning and I just woke up,
For the past 2 weeks things at the apartment were fairly normal, other then the fact Vince and I have had this kind of 'friends with benefits' thing going on.

There's still something that feels odd about it to me though, because I feel like I'm developing feelings for him and I have no idea if he feels the same.

But with that being said, I'm fine with the way things out currently going. Just two friends having amazing sex every now and then? Fine by me. I mean I'm having fun... I've never done something like this before.

I felt pretty horrible at one point because I was thinking about the fact I was just questioning wether I had feelings for Tommy a little while ago, what's next I'm gonna fall in love with Nikki too?

But my 'feelings' for Tommy had faded, yeah he's cute and a great guy, but Tommy and I had become super close and he's like my best friend, and what I felt was most likely just the excitement of becoming closer to him.

Honestly I'm a hopeless romantic. I fall in love much too easily if I'm being honest with myself here. I keep telling myself that's why I feel this way about Vince. I'm hoping that just like they did with Tommy, my feelings will fade and Vince and I can just be friends. Because if they don't, I'll either end up with Vince, which would most likely be very complicated or I'll end up heartbroken by Vince. Which is even worse.

The problem is, Vince and I are sleeping together, so it's a lot different.

Okay I need to stop overthinking this and just relax. Everything's gonna be okay.


Sitting up, I pull the covers off of my body and and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up, collecting my clothes from the floor, I slip on my shirt and clutch my jeans in my arm,

Walking over to the other side of the bed.

Vinces bed.

I stare at him for a second, sleeping peacefully. I smile and lean down, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before walking to the door. I open the door and quietly as possible and tip toe through the hallway, sneeking back to my bedroom and closing the door.

I've developed a routine of waking up in Vinces room and sneeking out into my own bedroom in the mornings.The boys normally don't wake up until around noon and I wake up early.

Only once have I almost been caught when Tommy had woken up and walked to the kitchen to get a drink. But I told him I was just coming back from the washroom and he actually believed me.

I slip on some yoga pants and clean my face with a makeup wipe before making my way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

It was a Sunday morning, the boys had been out partying last night like most Saturday nights, and Vince had come home earlier than Nikki and Tommy so we could... ya know.

So anyway, knowing how late they had been out I knew they wouldn't be awake until around 3pm at the earliest. I started cleaning around the kitchen as my coffee was brewing, and just then the door opens.

I turn my head around confused.


He walked through the door with a smile on his face, taking off his leather coat and throwing it on the back of the sofa.

"Hey" he says.

"You were out all night? I thought you came home." I say with confusing.

"Oh yeah I was out with-"

"A girl." I say with a smirk.

"Maybe." He laughs.

I smile spreads across my face and I walk towards him.

"I see that smile. This isn't just any girlllll tell me everything!!" I say with excitement.

Nikki blushes slightly looking down at his feet. I walk up to him grabbing his arm dragging him to the sofa and sitting next to him.

I turn towards him immediately.

"Come on! Tell me about her" I say

"Fine." He laughs.

I lightly squeal in excitement. I love this stuff. I act like such a teenager sometimes, I always loved hearing about boys and crushes from my girlfriends, but now that I'm living with all guys all I hear is them talking about who they fucked and it's kind of gross.

But I knew this was different by the look on Nikki's face and I NEEDED details.

"Oh wait wait, I'll get us some coffee!" I say tapping his thigh as I get up. I run to the kitchen pouring a cup for us both. I sit back down next to Nikki handing him his mug.

"Sooooo what's her name??"

"Her names Angie... I met her at this club a little while back and.... I really like her."

"Nikki that great!" I smile.

"Yeah" he laughs lightly.

"Is she pretty?" I smirk.

"Gorgeous." He replies.

"Last night I was at her place and.... we stayed up all night just talking. She told me all about herself and I told her all about me."

"Oh my god!!!! You had the night!!!" I exclaimed.

"The night?" He asks, brows furrowing on confusing.

"The night. It's when you stay up all night and just talk! Get to know each other, no sex, no making out none of that... just two people connecting, and trusting each other. That's the night!!!"

"Wow..." he says, and I notice a blush spread across his face.

After a few more minutes of talking with Nikki about Angie I noticed how tired he looked. And after he yawned for the 5th time I told him he should go to bed.

"Hey you should go get some sleep. You've been up all night."

"Yeah I'm really tired."

"Okay, thanks for telling me all this." I laugh.

"Have a nice sleep. I'll talk to you when you get up." I smile.

"Alright." He smiles, walking over to his bedroom.

Sorry this one was kinda short! I just thought I better release it now because I haven't updated in a while! ❤️

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now