Chapter 11

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I call this chapter,
"Whisky is the best medicine" 😂😂

Nikki's POV:

August 6th 1981

I feel like shit. I've been wandering around the city the entire day. In fact I spent the first few hours sitting alone on a park bench.
I left the house at around 11:00 am and I had nowhere to go and nothing to do. I'd been out so long the sun was already starting to go down. And the wind seemed to get colder and colder, forcing me to pull my leather jacket closer to my body. I was just waiting for the evening to come so I could escape to some shitty party. My hair was a mess and I was wearing the same clothes I was yesterday. I probably didn't smell great either. But fuck it.

I needed to get out of there.

It seems like I fuck it everything I do.

I'm losing my only friends because of my shitty attitude. I need something to get it off mind.

I decide to go to the nearest bar to drink until I don't remember my own name.

I end up finding some club I've never been to. There were some people inside dancing and some sitting at a bar but it looks pretty empty.
I didn't really care anyway. I just wanted a drink.

Seems like the best way for me to atleast have a little fun tonight.


I'd been sitting at the bar drinking a beer after multiple shots of Jack. I thought I'd take a break from the shots for a while, I wasn't looking to black out just yet. Maybe I could find a few chicks first.

And just as I thought that one takes a seat right next to me at the bar as if god read my mind.

I looked her up and down.

I couldn't see her face yet, she was turned to the side, and her long brown hair that was teased perfectly was covering the side of her face.

But I could see her body.

And Fuck.

Long legs and a tiny waist, full hips with a nice ass and big tits, all wrapped up in a skin tight purple dress barely reaching her mid thigh. I had to turn on the charm to try and get this girl to join me in the bathroom.

When she ordered a glass of whisky I couldn't help but smirk.

As the bartender poured her drink she turned and looked at me, finally letting me see her face.

"What are you lookin at huh?" She smiled.

God she was gorgeous.

"One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen..." I say slyly. Beautiful is a word women like. If I would have called her hot she would probably brush me off. But beautiful? That's a different story.

But to my surprise,

"Nice try." She laughed, grabbing the drink she was just handed.

I raise my eyebrows.

She's not gonna be easy to get. But this is gonna be fun.

I guess she noticed I kept staring at her, cause she turned her head slightly and looked at me with a smirk before turning back and downing her drink in one sip.

She put her glass back down on the bar and smiled.

"Why don't you let me buy your next drink?" I smirked.

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