Chapter 27

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I had been out all day, I had three job interviews in one day THREE. And I could already tell I wasn't getting any of the jobs.
But I needed some fucking money.
The boys were making some income off of their music but not a lot, not enough to pay for all that we needed.

Life had been hectic. I was searching for a job more stressed than ever and my mind kept wandering back to Nikki, it felt so strange... I'm broke, and having boy problems. All was not well.

I was driving home, exhausted and ready to curl up in bed and fall asleep. I turned on the radio and listened to some Van Halen, trying not to fall asleep behind the wheel. 

Tommy's POV:

We just finished a quick practice in the living area, I finally got a new drum kit and we set in up on the corner of the apartment, we brought out the amps and  and had everything set up, it was a good practice, Nikki pulled out a couple new songs and showed us.

After we said our goodbye to Mick, I twirled my drumstick in my hand, tossing it up in the air hoping to catch it, but I threw it too high and it punctured a hole and stayed stuck up there  in the ceiling. Causing us to hear our upstairs neighbours stomp at us to keep it down.

"Fucking dumbass." Vince said, annoyed." 

Nikki who was standing facing me, messing around with his bass, lifted his head up to look at the stick, laughing.

"Hey! You're the one who decided it would be a good idea to jump up on a GLASS table last night." I said gesturing to the shattered table we hadn't bothered to get rid of, or even try to clean up the mess at all.

"Hey! I was drunk okay! You did THAT, sober." He defended, pointing up at the hanging stick.

"Pfft whatever man." I began.

"YOU thought it was a good idea to bet on Y/N. you thought of that sober didn't you." I continued.

Vince scoffed, and Nikki looked between the both of us raising his brows, having an expression I could only explain as internally saying: "daaaamnnn"

"Huh?" We heard from the other side of the room causing us all to whip our heads towards to door.

Nikki was the next one to talk.

"Oh shit... Y/N"


Nikki's POV:

"You guys "bet" on me?" Y/N asked in a confused tone.


The room went Silent.

"What was the bet?" She asked stepping further into the living area.

We all looked to each other, none of us wanting to speak.

"Well??" She said.

After a few more seconds of silence, Tommy was the one to speak, his face looking nervous and guilty.

"Well.... see when you first got here we all kinda... well ya know" Tommy stuttered.

I sighed painfully at his inability to speak and stared to speak myself.

"Y/n..... we bet 200 dollars on..... who could sleep with you first." I said looking her in the eyes. I felt pure guilt. I never felt right about this bet. I can't believe I still went through with it.

I felt my heart break as I watched her face. It went from curious to the look I can only describe as sheer astonishment. Like she couldn't process what I had just said.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora