Chapter 22

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1 month later

Nikki's POV:

We had been partying all night. Lately it seems like that's all we do. But it was a blast. Angie and ended up hooking up in my room once everyone left.

I awake to see Angie sitting on the side of the bed, her back facing me, still wearing only a bra, me being completely naked with a blanket covering my lower half. I couldn't see her super clearly, but the moonlight lit her up with a kind of blueish grey glow.

"Morning, babe." I say with a yawn and put my hand on her bare hip.

"It's 3 am." She smiled as she turned around to look at me.

"Still morning." I mumble.

Her smile faded away.

She turns back around. Her back to me. Still blue with the light of the moon through my window.

"What are you doing Nikki?" she says softly, not turning to face me, still facing away.

"What are you doing with me?" She continued

"I don't know what you're talking about." I responded.

"I like you Nikki. In fact I like you a lot." she said finally turning around to meet my eyes.

She pauses to take a breath.

"But I know you don't feel the same."
She says as she grabs her T-Shirt off of the floor slipping it over her head.

I didn't know what to say.
"In fact I don't think you like me at all." She lets out a slight laugh but there's hurt behind it.

"No. That's not true. That's not true at all of course I like you it's just... I just-"

"You love her." she says while looking into my eyes.  The room was dimly lit but I could still make out the sadness on her eyes. My face fell. I looked back down at the sheets. Shocked by her words.

"you like me. But you love her."

She slips on her underwear, skirt, and shoes which were all on the floor.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"you and I are just fucking around. And I know that you are just using me to forget."
She starts but I cut her off.

"No, no babe that's not true. Listen I... I really do like you. A lot. Being with you is amazing and you. You are amazing." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Save it, Nikki." she cuts me off.

"I know all about this, it's happened to me before I can tell when I'm being used. I didn't see it at  first but now I know. I can tell by the way you look at her..... you  love her."

"I'm so sorry." I say genuinely.

I felt so horrible. I do really like Angie. She's an amazing girlfriend. Angie is Beautiful, she's smart, she's kind, we have many of the same interests. She cares for me. She treats me like a king.

In many ways she's perfect for me. I can tell she really has feelings for me. And I have them towards her as well. But... I just can't get Y/N out of my head. No matter how hard I try. I felt awful. I like Angie. But I don't love her. And it broke me, because Angie loves me. And I feel terrible. I broke her heart. I had her heart in my hand.
But Y/N had mine.

"You want to fuck me, and you want to have fun with me. But you want to love her. You want to hug her and kiss her and hold her and you want to tell her you love her. That's the girl that you want to be with for the rest of your life.... Nikki I would love to do all of those things for you. I would love to hold you and kiss you and hug you and tell you that I love you. But you don't want it from me.... you want it from her." By this time she had started to cry. I couldn't see her tears but I could see her wiping them away.

"You can't help your feelings. I can't help mine. I love you Nikki...."
she begins.

"And when you love someone. You try to help them however you can when they need your help. The way I'm going to help you... Is I'm gonna leave.... and make it easier for you. Now I'm going to trust you that when I leave you're going to go out there and you're going to tell her how you feel. Okay?"
She said with a forced smile, her eyes filled with sadness, but I could still see the light shine through. Angie really did love me. I knew that because she seemed sad that we couldn't be together.... but happy that I would soon be happy. At least hopefully.

"Okay." I say quietly as she grabs her purse. She turns to me and looks into my eyes.

"I won't forget you Sixx." She says in a soft voice, almost a whisper and she places her hand on my cheek, kissing my lips one last time.

"Wait- at least let me drive you home. I can't let you walk out there alone in the middle of the night-" I start to say as I stand but she cuts me off.

"I'll get a cab."

"Goodbye Nikki." She says softly as she leaves the room, I hear her high heeled shoes click down the hallway.

I sigh and let out a gentle whisper to myself.

"Goodbye Angie."
I stare at myself and take a deep breath, letting the air fill my lungs. I let out the long breath letting my cheeks puff out and continue to stare in the mirror.

"Fuck I love her don't I?" I ask myself.

I walk trough the hallway making my way slowly to Y/Ns bedroom. I knew she wouldn't be sleeping yet. If she was I'd just talk to her in the morning. But I knew she was awake.

As I approach it I hear something....

A moan...


Another moan...


Then I can see through the crack. My body wouldn't let me move.
All I could do was stare... There she was, underneath him.
I couldn't look away
My mind raced
And tears began to form in my eyes.
My hands cleared into fists as the anger built up inside of me.

All I wanted to do was beat the shit out of Vince....

I felt rage.

Pure rage.

But suddenly I shifted.

I was overcome with complete sadness again.

My body finally gave me the strength to move again and I ran back to my room as fast as I possibly could.

I shut the door and let my back fall against it, falling to the floor.

And I began to sob.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now