Chapter 25

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We were having fun just talking and laughing, it was turning out to be a great night. Until I spotted Vince... he had his arms wrapped around some blonde girl in a skin tight leopard print dress. He had a smirk on his face. The same smirk he looked at me with every time we....

I feel so stupid.
So stupid for thinking I was special to him...
So stupid for being upset even though we're not even dating!
He didn't even do anything wrong! Yet here I am all upset and.... Jealous!
I feel so stupid for... falling for him.

Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was just me... just me holding on to any guy that gave me the time of day.

My throat starts to tighten up, and all the sudden I feel like it's getting hot in here, and like there's not enough air in this damn place.

"Y/N...? you alright?" I hear Nikki say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn my head to him quickly, a little startled.

"Yeah. I'm alright." I answer, not wanting to have to explain why I was upset because... it's fuckin stupid.

"I'm gonna go outside for a cigarette... I'll be right back" I say as I get up and leave the table, heading quickly out the door and making sure to not look at Vince and that chick he had leaned up against the bar.

I lean against the brick wall, taking a deep breath. I reach in to my purse grabbing a cigarette and placing it between my lips.

I start searching through my purse and guess what. No fucking lighter.

"FUCK!" I curse in frustration, grabbing the cigg from my lips and leaning my head back against the wall, tears pricking the corner of my eyes and threatening to fall.

You know when you're already upset, and then one of those little tiny things happen and just make you lose your fucking mind? Yeah. Feeling that.

I hear the door open allowing sounds of loud music and voices to escape for a few seconds before it falls closed again.

A figure makes it's way over to me and leans against the wall next to me.

It's Nikki.

"Need this?" He asks, flicking a small red light.

I sigh, a small smile forming on my face.

"Yes. Please."

I put the cigarette to my lips again and Nikki takes a step closer to me, lighting it while I inhale.

He puts the lighter back in his pocket but stays right where he was. Leaving me looking up at him as I inhaled the smoke. I smirk at him before blowing the smoke in his face.

He turns around laughing and waving away the smoke with his arms.

"Heyyy! Come on!" He laughs making me laugh too.

Our laughter slowly fades away and I lean back up against the wall taking another drag, him doing the same, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Are you okay?" He asks after a minute of silence.

I sigh, taking another drag of my cigarette before answering.

"Yeah.. I'm okay."

"You know.. from the way you ran out here it... it didn't look like you were okay."

I look down at my feet. He was right. I wasn't okay.

"It's Vince... isn't it?" He asks turning his head toward me.

I let out an embarrassed laugh, still looking down at my feet, then bringing my cigarette back to my lips before continuing.


He nods, looking down.

"I just feel so stupid." I start.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because it's Vince... I caught feelings... for Vince... we've had this kinda friends with benefits thing going for a while and I knew from the start all he wanted was to fuck and nothing else. But then... for some reason I thought maybe... just maybe he felt the same things I did.... I thought there could have been something there.... then I watched him chat up that blonde bimbo." I say, slight anger in my voice. Though I wasn't mad at him... we never said we were together, he never committed to a relationship so he didn't really do anything wrong.... I was just mad at myself for letting myself fall for him.

"Y/N. you fell for someone. It's not stupid. We all do it." He says in a comforting tone.

"Even you?" I laugh lightly.

"You know...." he begins.

"I know what it feels like.... you... have feelings for someone..." he takes a short pause and sighs.

"Maybe you even think there could be something there."

"Then... you have to watch them fool around with someone else."

There was so much pain in his voice. I turn my head, searching his face. I could see so much hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Nik. Is that what happened with Angie???.... if you don't mind me asking.."

"Oh um.... yeah. That's what happened with.... Angie."

I felt a bad for Nikki. But I was greatfull he understood how I felt. I felt so dumb for it. So I'm so relived he understood instead of teasing me about it.

"You know.. I don't think I've had a guy ever actually fucking care about me. Guys seem to just... pretend they care until they get what they want out of me.... then once I trust them enough to give it to them... they just fuck right off." I said, now with more frustration, tears filling my eyes and threatening to spill over any second.

I drop my cigarette to the ground and step on it. As I look down at it a tear falls from my eye.

"Hey..." he says, voice shifting from upset to full of concern.

"Hey don't cry." He says as I feel him grab my arm pulling me to his chest.

He wraps his arms tightly around me, my head against his chest so I could hear his heart beat as I cried into his shirt.

"It's okay..." he said softly into my ear, which only made me cry harder.

I pressed myself against him, now full on sobbing. He rubbed my back, then my head and kept whispering things to me. Things like,

"It's okay."
"It's gonna be okay."
"Don't cry."
"He's not worth it."

We stayed there for a while, Nikki rocking me gently in his arms and petting my hair, letting my cry, letting out all my emotions. I knew I would end up heartbroken.

I was just so thankful to have Nikki.

He always seemed to be there when I needed someone.

He always cared so much about me...

I felt so warm, so safe, I felt cared for, I felt loved, standing there with his arms wrapped around me.

Nikki's POV.

I understood the way Y/N felt. I was miserable myself. Having to see her and Vince together the other day broke my heart.

And now i'm standing here watching tears fall from her eyes and I want nothing more than to beat the shit out of the guy who did this to her.
Only problem is that guy what my band mate.

I did all that I could, I couldn't stand to see her cry. I wrap my arms around her, scooping her onto a tight hug. She hugs me back and sobs into my chest making my heart break even more. I've finally admitted to myself that I'm in love with her, but there's no way I could tell her.

Just having her in my arms right now feels like heaven and hell all at the same time. I wanna hold her all the time... I wanna scoop her up in my arms, kiss her, tell her I love her cuddle her, and make love to her.. but I can't. I can't do any of that. She doesn't feel the same way. She liked Vince and now Vince broke her heart.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now