Chapter 5

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Hey here's something I actually wrote. 😂😂
I really Hope you guys like it I feel like it's pretty bad and I have a lot to live up to cause ppl really fucking love this story I really hope I did it justice 😬

And I made a new cover for the story? ^^^
Not sure how to feel about it?


We arrive at the after party sometime around 11pm.
Wow, after party.... at a strip club.
To be honest I was feeling a little anxious. I see the kinda guys they are and I can tell they party hard. And I've never been a "party girl."

The first think I see as I walk in was a bar with shelves of every kind of alcohol imaginable behind it.
Then to the right of me there they are. Half naked dancers twirling around poles, moving in ways I couldn't even imagine possible for my own body.

Many people run up to the four boys, leaving me pushed away, they talk with the boys and laugh, make jokes.

The boys of course have giant smiles plastered on they're half sweat off makeup faces.
Oh except for Mick of course. He rarely smiles.
He doesn't seem all too impressed with the behaviour of the rowdy men at the tables.
"We're gonna head to the table, wanna come?"
Nikki says to me kindly.

"Um... you know what I'm actually gonna get a drink really quick, want anything while I'm here?"
"Oh I got it."
He replies running over to the bar and returning with yet another entire bottle of Jack Daniels and heading over to the table, flashing me a smile.

I roll my eyes as I make my way over to the bar to sit down, Vince coming to sit by my side.
"Hey, by the way, the offers still up for you to ride my face." He says with a smirk
"Not gonna happen blondie."
"Well I tried." He sighs with a laugh.
"Don't you wanna sit down with the boys?"
I ask watching Vince as he waves to a bar tender.

"Nah. I'd rather talk with you for a while."
"I don't know, I'm pretty boring compared to them." I laugh looking over to the table.
Vince laughs as he looks over his shoulder to see the same sight I'm currently looking at.
Nikki had his hand in the back of Tommy's hair, he was lifting his head and smashing it against the table over and over again. And Tommy didn't mind, in fact he was laughing his ass off, while mick watched with a disappointed glare.

"Nah. You're just calm. They're crazy."
He chuckles.
"I guess so."
"Hey Vince?"
"Do you know why Tommy's been acting so weird tonight? I mean he seems okay now but... earlier he wouldn't say a word to me."
I say concerned.

"Well he has been pretty down. I'm not sure what to tell you though, I myself don't know the reason."
It was late into the night and I was feeling tipsy.... extremely tipsy. I had already drank way more than I had wanted to. In fact... I've never drank this much in my life. I've never really been "drunk" before.... But I felt fucking great.

I looked over to a table that sat, Nikki, Tommy and Mick. Tommy has a straw to his nose, snorting a line of cocaine, one of many. Nikki was laughing at something I couldn't see, and I didn't bother to look. Stumbling over my feet I continued to dance with Vince.

Vince was quite drunk as well. And I was having a great time with him,
Dancing so close I could feel the heat of his body on mine, burying my face in his neck and grinding my body against his, laughing at the dizziness I felt in my head, and warmth through my body. It was exciting, almost erotic. A feeling of euphoria rushing through my body.

The thing I didn't expect about being drunk was how horny I felt.... I guess that explains why people hook up all the time when they drink a few too many.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora