Chapter 29

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Nikki's POV

I went out again today looking for Y/N and this time I was lucky. Well not so lucky, I mean I was out for about 3 hours.... Okay 5... okay 6 and a half what do you want. It was a cold gloomy day, not many people out, but she was. I saw her. I finally saw her walking down a sidewalk down town, hands shoved in her pockets.

I ran across the street causing a car to honk at me, to which I raised a middle finger and kept running.

"Y/N!" I call out, heading straight toward her. She looks back with a look of shock. She tried to roll her eyes and keep walking but I ran up and grabbed her arm to keep her from going any farther. No way I'm letting her get away from me this time.


Goddamnit Nikki. I was still so angry at him. At all of them. But on some level I was relieved to see him. I wanted so badly for things to go back to the way they were but I just knew they couldn't... they used me and it made me feel terrible. No way I'm letting Nikki bring me back there.

Just then he grabbed my arm forcing me to stop and turn around.

"Nik-" I begin, trying to jerk my arm free.

"Y/N. we're sorry okay we all are. We feel terrible but come back with me please. We need you."

I roll my eyes at him still shaking my arm to try and get it out of his grip but he's a lot stronger than I thought he was.

"What, to do the cooking and the cleaning?" I respond as I finally accept the fact that I at least have to talk to him and stop trying to get away, relaxing my arm.

"NO! God Y/N why do you have to be so stubborn! Just come home!"

"Stubborn?!?" I ask in a shocked tone, offended.

Nikki shakes his head in frustration.

"I didn't mean that okay just come with me." He says and starts waving down a cab that's coming our way.

"No forget it Nikki, I'm not coming back to the apartment!" I say to him angrily but he's still pulling me toward the curb as the cab stops in front of us.

"Come on Y/N!!" He tries.

"No! Forget about it!"

All of the sudden he puts a hand on my back and crouches down grabbing my legs. He picked me up and started carrying me.


He doesn't respond, he opens the door of the cab and I'm still flailing my arms and legs.


"Yes I can" he responds simply, practically throwing me in the back seat, yelling our address at the driver and sitting down next to me.
The cab starts to move and Nikki shuts the small window in the partition, turning to me.

I huff, hopeless now, I can't just jump out of the cab or something.

"Y/N, we all feel fucking terrible about what we did okay? Me and the guys... we need you." He says with a sad look.

"What that's all you have to say?" I begin. There's a pause. Nikki just looks at me, not knowing what to say next.

"I thought you guys were my friends. Real friends Nikki... but you used me. You bet on who could get me in to bed. That's not what friends do."

He sighed and we sat in silence for a minute. He just stared at me.

"We did a horrible thing. You have every right to be mad but- but do you have to just, up and run away?!?" He asked starting to get more angry again, using his arms to gesture out the window.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum