Chapter 56

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A short stack had skidded across the floor, sponges strapped to her shoes as she held the mop in her hand.

She pushed herself to the other side as music played through her earbuds.

"'cause this is THRILLER! Thril-ler night!"

Cheyenne nodded as she hummed along, drifting over to the bucket to dip her mop. Mey-Rin tilted her head as she stood at the stairs and watched her go and skate around really.

She 'ooh'd' as Cheyenne slid around without making any dirty marks from her shoes on the floor "Oh my. How interesting.." She was confused as to why Cheyenne was doing work in the first place. She wasn't supposed to, she was a guest.

Mey-Rin quickly went down the stairs "C-Cheyenne! You shouldn't be working! You need to--Woah! Ahh!" Mey-Rin slipped as she stepped on the floor, sliding on the floor. Cheyenne, feeling a sudden disturbance, looked around and saw her Friend on the ground.

Mey-Rin held her head as she sat up. Cheyenne skated over to her, grabbing her from under her arms and skating away. Mey-Rin looked around worriedly but stopped as Cheyenne glided them around the ballroom.

She went straight to the stairs and stopped, letting go of Mey-Rin. The Maid gave her an amazed look "I didn't know you could skate" Cheyenne shrugged "I mean. I didint ice skate but I had regular skates. Wait, those were even made yet, huh.." Mey-Rin looked down to her feet, and them to the parts that she walked on and slid "Oh no, I made a mess, yes I have" Cheyenne looked back and hummed before turning to Mey yet again "Would you like to join me? I got extra sponges!" Cheyenne brightly smiled as she showed Mey the other sponges on the staircase.

Mey-Rin tilted her head "Really?" Cheyenne nodded "C'mon!"


Mey-Rin held Cheyenne's hands tightly as they stood near the staircase. Mey-Rin stumbled slightly but Cheyene quickly stopped her "A-Are you sure this is safe?"

Cheyenne sucked in some breath "Fun, yeah...But safe? Uh..." Mey-Rin looked up to her while she looked off "Let's just pray God doesn't jinx us" Mey-Rin sweatdropped "Wh--" Cheyenne slid back, making sure she didnt go too fast as Mey-Rin went with her.


"I got 'chu, Mey!"

As the two began skating and 'mopping' for a little while longer, soon, they were just doing it for fun. Laughing and trying their best not to slip. Well, trust me, they've slipped a few times.

Cheyenne smiled over to the Maid as they skated next to each other calmly "Look at you, you're like a pro at this!" Mey-Rin laugehd with her "Really? I suppose I'm getting the hang of it.."

Ringed eyes stared at the two from above, wondering how it would be if he joined them but decided against it. He had work to do, he didn't have time to engage with her.


Cheyenne stood in her room as the stars twinkled in the windows. Cheyenne stretched her arms, turning her back to the bed. She sighed and layed back in the matress, closing her eyes while her legs hung down at the bottom. She sat her earbuds in her ear and let the music carry her away as she put it to full volume.

However, her eyebrows stitched together irritation. Something felt off. It felt as if...

Someone was watching her

She opened her eyes, yelping and backing away as golden yellow eyes stared at her being above her. Cheyenne gave him a wide eyed look "C-Claude, what the fuck!" The Butler grabbed her ankle and dragged her back to him.

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